Chapter 28 : tired

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Liam's P.O.V :

I opened my eyes and closed them again , the curtains were closed but still the sunlight was going through them . After my eyes adjusted to the light . I fully opened them . I looked at the beside table clock and it read :

11:03 am

I threw the covers and swang my legs from the bed . I got up and went to the bathroom . I took a shower and brushed my teeth . Where are the boys ??? They haven't woke me up . I changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed my phone and went down . The living room was quit and empty . Are they sleeping ??? . I shrugged and went to the kitchen . I found a note on the fridge . I took it and it read :

"Good morning Payno .

We wanted to go out so we did . We didn't want to wake you up though because we felt like you are tired . Hope you are fine now and we ecpect to be back at 11 or 12 .

All the love
Harry X."

I smiled and read it again . My smile disappeared reading :

"We felt like you are tired"

Do I look tired ??? I sighed and threw the note . I went up to my room and stood in fornt of the mirror . I looked at my face . I do really look like I am tired . But why ??? . It is not like I am not sleeping . Maybe I am tired because of thinking about Cassie ??? No . I don't think so . Then what is the matter . I don't have bags under my eyes but I still look tired . Ugh . I am so confused . I sighed and I was pulled out from my thoughts by the sound of the door opening . I smiled knowing the boys came back . In seconds I found four boys entering my room . The door wasn't closed so they just walked in . They hugged me and Niall said :

"How are you now Liam ???"

Liam : "I am fine thanks"

As I said this . I realized that my voice sounded tired . I haven't talked the whole morning so I didn't know my voice sounded tired .

Zayn : "you sure ??? Your voice doesn't sound good"

Liam : "I am fine boys . Where did you go by the way ???"

I changed the subject because I wanted to take my mind off of this whole "tired" thing .

Louis : "we ate breakfast at McDonald's and then went to the shopping mall . I bought a new t-shirt from Adidas"

I smiled and said :

"Congrats Louis"

Louis : "thanks Payno"

I nodded .

Harry : "we should start backing because Cassie is coming later and we won't have anytime to pack"

I nodded . The boys left the room to start backing and I started myself . I pulled the suitcase and started throwing random clothes from my wardrobe . I was done in 15 minutes . I zipped the suitcase and put it beside my door . I went down and sat on the couch . Niall came from the kitchen with a plate with some toasts and cheese . He sat beside and I remembered I didn't eat breakfast . I wasn't hungry tho . There is something seriously wrong with me . Niall then said :

"Do you want some ???"

I shook my head and smiled at him .

Niall : "Liam . Is something wrong ???"

I shook my head again and Niall said :

"There is definitely something wrong but I am not gonna push you . But if you ever wanted to talk about it , I am here"

Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now