Chapter 145 : sleeping on the doorsteps

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Liam's P.O.V:

Today I am back in London, it's been a week since my unexpected outbreak with my parents which made me stay with them for another week. I realised I wasn't ready to face her yet so I told myself that I might as well spend a little more time with my family.

I have made a decision and that is to try and talk to Cassie again, I mean she only broke up with me because of Emma being in my life but right now she isn't so there isn't a reason why we shouldn't be together. I am determined to do anything to have her back in my life, for her to be my other half again. To be mine again.

My parents and my sisters during the week I spent with them used to give me lectures about how much I love her and how much she loves me and how I should do anything to get her back and that we both should fight for our love and make it grow and to be honest, theses lectures used to give me headaches because there is nothing they said that I didn't already know and planning to do, it was just as if my brain was discussing it loudly in the form of their voices. I really appreciate what they did and that's why I never told them that what they were saying was already something I was going do or that it's something I already knew. I would just sit, look them in the eye and nod my head while repeating a couple of

Yes you are right

Yeah I probably should do that

Yeah yeah I get your point

Hmm I know

The thing is, I don't know when and where should I see Cassie and talk to her.

Should I go to her house ? Will she let me in ? Should I call her and ask her if we can meet somewhere ? Nah probably we won't be able to talk as we like because people will be around. Um should I ask Niall for his help since he is the only one in London since Louis and Harry are both out of town. Maybe Niall can like bring Cassie somewhere and then he will leave so we can talk ? I don't know I will figure it out later I guess.

*At night*

So I decided to go and talk to her today. I will just go to her house and try my luck. I put on a shirt and a jacket. It's starting to get cold in London already and I head out.

I won't come back here unless everything is good between me and Cassie. 

I knocked on her door and waited, she didn't answer the door. I looked at the house lights and they were on which means that she is in the house and perhaps awake but I won't move from here until I speak with her even If I have to sleep here on her doorsteps, maybe I should try knocking again, maybe she didn't hear the first knock. I knocked again and waited hoping the door will open and reveal my girl but unfortunately this didn't happen.

Cassie's P.O.V:

I am right now sitting in my living room, studying when I heard a knock on my door. Who is coming now? I got up and went to the door and looked through the peephole of the door and saw Liam. Wait what? I blinked, am I hallucinating? I took another look and still didn't believe you eyes, what is he doing here? Maybe if I didn't answer the door he will leave, I know what he will want to talk about. He will probably talk about us and how we should be together now that he broke up with Emma but still I can't be with him now because they have only broken up like a couple of months ago, if we want to be together in front of world, we will have to wait for another couple of months so that people won't say that Emma's and Liam's relationship was fake and they won't also say that I stole him from her so it's better if we waited a couple more months. I took a deep breath and turned around and left, hoping he will leave when I don't answer the door but unfortunately he did knock again. I want to go and open the door for him and wrap my arms around him but I know that it's already hard on both of us and the last thing I wanna do now is to make things harder so I will just have to ignore him so he leaves.

Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin