Chapter 141 : missing him

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*one month later*

Cassie's P.O.V :

I am in Ireland , last month , after I broke up with Liam , I couldn't stay in London , every corner reminded me of him , whenever I went to the grocery store , I would remember us walking there together , whenever I used to go to the shopping mall , I remember us being there , even in my own house , every corner , every couch , wall , room used to remind me of him and so I decided to leave . I have been in Ireland for about 3 weeks now , I am staying at my aunt's . I have told no one of our broke up , only the boys know , that's it . I don't even know if Liam told his family or no . I know I will have to eventually go back to London because I won't leave my university . It's just that I am taking a break and will go back soon ....... I am still talking to the boys but I haven't seen them since me and Liam broke up . I am sure you want to ask how I am feeling , well that's a nice question because I don't feel anything . Sometimes I just want to cry but I can't , no matter how sad I feel and other times , I cry instead of laugh . Like when I am sitting alone , watching YouTube videos and something funny comes on , instead of laughing , I burst out into tears ..... I have been trying so hard not to let anyone around me , feel anything . Aunt May , David and Clara , I just am doing fine , they did ask me a few times why I was off or looked over exhausted but I convinced them that everything is fine . I miss him , so much actually . Sometimes when I am alone at my aunt's home , I reread our chats , look at our dumb pictures and videos and to be honest , I am so thankful that he was in my life , he is an angel and he doesn't deserve any of this ..... he doesn't even deserve me ..... in fact he deserves an angel , just like him , made just for him .... an angel that will fight with him to save their big love ..... who will stand by him and support him and won't leave him in the middle of the road ...... some angel who will wait for him , even if it will take her a forever to wait for him , she will wait for him ...... an angel who doesn't care what people say about her relationship with him ..... an angel who will do the exact opposite of what I did ...... he doesn't deserve human beings .....
Today is the day where the contract between Liam , Emma and the management end ..... last week , the news said that Emma was seen multiple times with another guy holding hands . I am sure that this is all the management planning and that guy is her boyfriend . Well I can't deny that it's a good reason for ending things between Liam and Emma publicly but I feel bad for the poor girl and guy . They are getting lots of hate from mostly everyone .... like Emma is a nice person , she had never told me anything bad and we were on good terms , not friends of course but I did see her a couple of times here and there and she doesn't deserve the hate she is getting or her boyfriend . She does look happier in the photos with him which is a good sign . At least she can be with the person she loves in front of everyone and don't have to hide anymore . I am happy for her . As of for Liam , there are no more pictures of him and Emma public , like they haven't gone out together or anything so I am guessing that the management wants people to understand that they broke up already between themselves and that anytime , Liam will confirm it . I don't know when will he announce it or how but all I know is that he will do it soon enough . I got pulled out of my thoughts by my aunt knocking on the guest room door .

Cassie : "come in aunt"

She came in and then sat at the end of the bed and said with a smile on her face :

"Cass , my summer vacation will start in a couple of days . So I was thinking that maybe , we should travel somewhere together since we don't get to spend a lot of time together all year"

I smiled and nodded .

Cassie : "yeah sure , so what is the plan ???"

Aunt May : "well how about you choose a place ??? , I am fine with anywhere warm and I know that you went to pretty much some cities with the boys , but suggest a place that you haven't gone to before , you know to make our own memories in that place"

I like the idea so much . I stated then thinking of all the places I went with the boys and put them aside .

Cassie : "well aunt , there is a place that I haven't been to and neither did you and I really wanna try it out since everyone is saying it's nice"

Aunt May : "well what is it ???"

Cassie : "the Maldives"

Aunt May : "Oooo I was just gonna tell you let's go there"

Cassie : "perfect"

We high fived and laughed .

Aunt May : "well I will go downstairs and checkout the resorts there and the flight and everything but before I go , is two weeks good for you ??? Or you want more or less ???"

I shook my head .

Cassie : "two weeks is perfectly fine"

Aunt May : "and we can celebrate your birthday there"

Cassie : "cmon aunt , we already did celebrate it a couple of weeks ago plus my birthday is already gone"

Aunt May : "it's not everyday your little niece turns 21 years old plus we can celebrate it again together only"

I nodded and smiled .

Cassie : "thank you"

She nodded and left . My birthday was 3 weeks ago , I didn't have a birthday party this time , I spent the morning with my aunt . The evening with David and Clara , we went to the theme park and it was a fun day , at night after I came back home from the theme park I had dinner with my aunt at home . This is how I used to celebrate my birthday before I moved to London and become friends with the boys , I am not a fan of parties and stuff but the boys have been doing me parties for the last two year , it is good to change the way you used to celebrate your birthday but it's also good to go back to your old ways from time to time . This year , the boys wished me a happy birthday through videos and voice massages . Liam however sent me a massage saying :

"Happy 21st birthday , enjoy your day :)"

I to be honest , didn't expect him to wish me but he did . I replayed with a simple "thank you" . We will have to stay in contact since we have mutual friends which is both a good and bad thing . Good because I will see him , talk to him , know how is he doing . Bad because I can't hold him , can't call him mine . I don't even if things will be awkward between us or will we both act good ....

I got pulled out of my thoughts by my aunt calling my name from downstairs . I got up and went downstairs .

Cassie : "yes aunt ???"

Aunt May : "come choose with me the resort , I found a couple of good ones"

I nodded and sat down next to her .....


                         *two days later*

Today we are traveling to the Maldives . I am so excited . We just boarded the plane .

Aunt May : "let's do this girlll"

I smiled wide .

Cassie : "let's do it"

She smiled at me .

Here we come Maldives ......

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                       1320 Words

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