Chapter 68 : our night

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Cassie's P.O.V :

Liam : "what about your future ???"

Cassie : "as you know I want to be pharmaceutical . I know I need to study hard to get the grade and that is what I am doing , I am studying hard and I do not sleep at night just because I am up studying but sometimes it gets hard and then I think that I will not pass plus the college needs a lot of money and seriously I won't be able to afford it ..... my aunt said that she will help but I want to be independent but at the same time I can't plus my aunt has wasted her money on me from the day I was born so I want to be something good and to give it back to her .... I don't know what to do anymore"

I started crying because honestly I couldn't hold back the tears . Some of you might think that it is no big deal but if you understand me then you will 100% feel me .....

Liam : "look Cassie how many lifes do you live ???"

Cassie : "one"

Liam : "exactly .... you have got one life , you gotta do what your heart wants even if it will take a lot of things for you to do it .... For example when we were in the x-factor ..... After our first try at the judges house Simon said "I have gone with my heart , your through" he chose his heart over his mind and see where we are now ..... If he chose his mind then non of this would have happened . Same goes for you . Do what your heart says .... plus you say that you have a dream then why give up in it ??? It is a dream . I want you to study hard and you know that we are here to help in studies and I don't want you to bother yourself about money . We can help plus I am sure that one day you will be able to give back to your aunt"

He hugged me and I hugged back .

Cassie : "thank you Liam ..... you know everyone needs some kind of advice and support from time to time and you just have me advice and support"

Liam : "well that is what best friend are for . Right ???"

I nodded . I then pull away and said :

"So what about you ??? What were you thinking of ???"

Liam : "nothing"

Cassie : "C'mon maybe I can help"

I nudged him and he laughed .

Liam : "okay I was thinking about Zayn and our future as the band"

Cassie : "this was also a thing I was thinking about ..... who knows maybe this was a little test to see how strong and loyal you guys are to each other"

Liam : "maybe . Do you think we passed the test Cassie ???"

Cassie : "after what I saw in the concert tonight you guys definitely passed it but also don't think that it is now over . More obstacles will come in your way but you gotta stay strong"

Liam : "but sometimes we won't .... you know you can't pass every test"

I nodded . Not knowing what to say he is right .....

Cassie : "well you are right .... We just gotta hope the best for Zayn and you guys need to try and move on and focus on your career"

Loam : "yeah you are right . Especially with the album coming up"

Once I heard this I gasped . My inner fangilr cam out I guess . 

Cassie : "OH MY GOD . A FIFTH ALBUM ???"

Liam laughed and said :

"Shhhhh you are going to wake up the city"

We laughed ...

Liam : "I don't want you to tell anyone else . It is a secret . We will tell everyone that we are writing our fifth album next month until then it is a secret"

I nodded .

Cassie : "don't worry . You secret is safe"

Liam looked at his phone watch and said :

"It is 4 am"

Cassie : "let's stay until sunrise ... plzzzz"

He laughed and nodded .

Cassie : "thank you Li"

Liam : "well I have a better idea"

I raised my eyebrow .

Liam : "why don't we go down and I will help you study and at 7 am we will come here and watch sunrise . I don't want to waste your time"

I nodded and smiled . He got up and helped me up . We both got in the elevator and went down . We then reached the suite room door and he took out the key room and slowly opened it . We tiptoed to my room and closed the door and put on the light .

Liam : "which subject you want first ???"

Cassie : "I don't know , something that you will understand"

Liam : "this is pretty hard because you know I left school at early age so I might not understand your things but lets start with the Chemistry"

I nodded and took out my Chemistry book .... We sat on the bed and we started studying . He would take the book and ask me some questions and I would answer them and he would tell me right or wrong . I would also ask him about a word I don't understand since English isn't my mother tongue ........ I looked at the watch and said :

"Liam let's go 15 minutes are left"

Liam : "calm down . Just one more question"

I huffed and then nodded . He asked the question and I got up and started putting on my shoes and take my phone and do my hair as I answered that question .....

Liam : "you got a pretty good talent there . I can't do what you just did"

I laughed and we went out quietly , tiptoeing . Soon we were walking on the roof of the building again . We sat beside each other as we watched the sunrise of course we did take a couple of photos and videos , I mean who wouldn't take pictures and videos of the sun as it comes up and you are on a top of a high bulling seeing the city ......  what a view ..... perfect ......

--------------------------------------------------------- Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

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Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now