Chapter 144 : feelings pooling in me

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Liam's P.O.V :

We are in the club right now. It's 1 AM. Niall told us that Cassie went to meet a friend of hers and once she finishes she will come hang out with us. He told us this 3 hours ago and till now she didn't come or text him so I am guessing that she is still with her friend. I wonder what are they doing till now and most importantly will she really come sit with us ? or will she be tired and will want to go to her room ?

Honestly, I want her to come so I can see her beautiful face and hear her voice and be in the same place as she is. I really hope she comes and I also hope the boys won't leave now because honestly I don't know I feel like it would be weird if she came and found only me here and I don't want to beg the boys to stay here because I don't wanna look desperate. I got pulled out of my thoughts by Niall saying :

"guys Cassie is coming, she just texted me"

I think my heart just skipped a beat from happiness or maybe from excitement or maybe from fear that things won't go well or maybe from the fact that I am feeling all of those at the same time. I sat upright, ran a hand through my hair, straightened out my shirt and my pants. Harry laughed making the rest of the boys to notice and laugh too and I just gave Harry a look along with the others.

Louis : "you look fine mate"

He winked at me and I just hit his arm and then my eyes went to the club door. Waiting for her to walk in. After a minute or so Harry said :

"You can go and stand by the door you know, instead of your eyes being glued there"

The guys laughed and I made a fake laugh face and said :

"I hate you guys"

I turned to look at the club door and Cassie is walking in. I cleared my throat and the boys understood that she is here, Niall went to her and soon they came back together.

Cassie : "hey guys"

She sat down next to Niall who is sitting right next to me. God I hope this night goes well and without me grabbing and kissing her.


It's now 2 am. Cassie excused herself 5 minutes ago. She didn't stay that long and honestly I wish she stayed longer but I can tell that she was tired. I wish I could hold her in my arms. I miss the days where she would be too tired that she would sleep on my shoulder without her knowing and when I wake her up she would blush and apologize. My heart is melting already at the memory, my skin missing hers, my lips craving her taste, my nose missing her always beautiful smell.

At this moment I realized something, I will never be able to experience these things again. I sighed. I still have hope that things will go back to normal but I also have a feeling that I lost her forever and this thought kills me. So I live every minute of the day living and dying at the same time, living at the thought that she will be mine again and dying at the thought of her loss. I got pulled out of my thoughts by Niall saying :

"guys I am tired, I will leave, anyone will come ?"

We all agreed to leave too.



Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now