Chapter 138 : we are in a trouble

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                       *one month later*

Cassie's P.O.V :

So it's been a month since my accident , the boys never left me and helped me with making me food and cheering me up . Liam has a very big role though , when I was in the hospital he used to go to my home to check on it and bring me clothes , he used to stay all the night beside me , helped me in eating and going to the bathroom . After I was dismissed from the hospital , Liam took me home and when we reached , all the boys were there , welcoming me and I got surprised when I saw that the house is clean and tidy so I guess the boys did clean it while I was away , Liam stayed with me at home , helped me in my home physiotherapy , he used to cook me everyday . Really I honestly don't know what would have happened if the boys weren't by my side . Today , I am going back to uni . Yesterday me and Liam went to the doctor and he said that I am fully cured but I have to take care of my walking method for at least another two weeks . He said no running or jumping or fast walking . He said just take slow steady steps . I got pulled out of my thoughts by Liam talking .

Liam : "honey are you with me ???"

I blinked at him .

Cassie : "sorry Li , what were you saying again ???"

Liam : "I am saying you better not go to uni today , rest"

I sighed .

Cassie : "cmon Liam , I have been resting for a month now , I already missed so much classes , plus I am feeling fine , if I weren't okay , then I would have stayed at home"

Liam : "okay as you like but hey , I will take you to uni and bring you from there and you need to text me after every lecture or I will come to your uni and make sure myself that you are okay . Okay kiddo ???"

I smiled at him . He is so sweet .

Cassie : "okay okay I will do as you want"

He nodded . He leaned in and kissed me . I kissed him back . After a minute or two , Liam pulled away and said :

"Let's go , we don't wanna be late"

I nodded . Liam insisted on carrying me my bag and books . I linked my arm with Liam's arm and we slowly walked to his car . He helped me get in the car and then he started driving to the university . I opened my phone and went to twitter and read through my notifications and feed to see if the talking about me and Liam stopped or no . last month , on my second day in the hospital and recovery , the management called Liam and told him that a photo of him holding my hand while I am in the bed after surgery went online and they made a fuss out of it , I remember Liam getting very angry that day saying that he can't do anything without being seen and taken pictures of and going public . I told him its okay and to calm down but unfortunately he went to the management headquarters while he is angry . He came back after an hour or two looking more angrier than what he looked like when he left . He said that they want him to tweet that I am his friend and that he just held my hand because I was in a bad condition and that none of the other boys could hold my other hand because I had a catheter in that other hand . They told him too that they are going to fly Emma here to London so they can go on a public date to make people forget about that couple of pictures and redirect the spotlight on that married couple and this day happens to be today ..... I got pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing . Its my aunt .... oh my god , I looked at Liam and he face plummed himself .

Cassie : "I will put her on speaker , if you don't mind because I don't want her to shout directly into my ears"

He laughed and nodded . I answered the phone .

Everything Unexpected // Liam Payneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن