Chapter 112 : where were you ???

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Cassie's P.O.V :

It was now 3 Pm and I decided to go for a walk along the see shore . I took my phone and started walking out of the boys sights . Speaking of them they were still in the water . Yup from 12 till now . I guess they were having fun . We were on a private beach so not many people were seen here . There is something about the beach that always makes me both happy , sad and relaxed . I mean just hearing the wave sounds , and seeing the blue water with the blue sky . I took some pictures and videos of the see and then started walking along the see shore . I started thinking about everything , the good and the bad , some things made me smile while others made my eyes water a little , I would bit my lips to prevent me from crying over the past hard memories and instead I replaced them with happy ones . every a couples of seconds the water would hit my feet , it is a very good feeling every once in a while I would giggle because of the water tickling my feet . I don't know for how long I have been walking or how far am I from the boys but I wasn't afraid to be lost because if I wanna go back there all I have to do is to turn on my heel and walk back along the shore and that will lead me to my starting point which is the spot where we put our things on . I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing .....

Liam's P.O.V :

We were swimming and Cassie was sitting on the lounger the whole time , then suddenly she stood up , took her phone and walked away . I looked in the direction she was walking to , to see if she was going to see someone but there was no one . I frowned and wanted to follow her and see if everything is fine .

Liam : "excuse me"

Louis : "where are you going mate ???"

I was about to respond when Niall did :

"He is going to find Cassie"

I nodded as they all looked back at the where she was sitting a couple of minutes ago but it was empty . Harry then said something that made sense :

"Maybe she went to the bathroom or went to buy something to eat or maybe she went for a walk along the shore"

I nodded and continued playing with the boys ...


After a while , I realised that she hasn't been back yet and I started getting worried . So I told the boys :

"Guys don't you feel like she has been absent for a while now ???"

They all nodded .

Liam : "I am going to call her"

They nodded yet again . I swam back to the beach and went out of the water and went back to our place . I sat down , dried myself then took out my phone and cheeked the time . it was 4 pm . I unlocked my phone and called her .

Cassie : "hello Liam"

Liam : "where are you Cassie ??? Are you fine ???"

She giggled and it must be because I sounded worried but honestly I couldn't help it .

Cassie : "I am fine Liam , totally fine"

Liam : "then where are you ??? You have been gone for long now"

Cassie : "don't worry , I am having a walk along the shore , are you guys done swimming ???"

I looked at the boys and found them coming back so I knew that they were done swimming .

Liam : "I think we are . just a minute , I will ask them"

I moved the phone from my ear so the sound isn't too Loud for her and shouted in the boy's direction :

"Guys are you done swimming ???"

They nodded so I put the phone back to my ear and said :

"Yes we are , when are you going to come back ???"

Cassie : "now"

Liam : "okay , see you"

Cassie : "see you"

I hang up and the boys came back and started drying them self too .

Louis : "so where was this little troublemaker ???"

I chuckled and said :

"Harry was right , she was having a walk along the shore"

They nodded . We sat and waited for her and after half an hour she was back . she drank some water .

Harry : "how far were you ??? It took you half an hour to coke back , we were starting to get worried"

Cassie : "sorry"

Niall : "can we please go back ??? I am starving and tired"

We all agreed and went back to the hotel . While we were walking back to the hotel we decided to order food . Once there , Cassie and Niall went to the bathroom , me , Harry and Louis had to wait for our turns . While waiting I ordered the food and by the time I was done ordering Cassie was done and went to her room . Louis went in next and soon Niall finished and Harry went in . Niall however finished before Louis even though Louis went in before Niall . I then went and took a quick shower and went back to my room . Niall is keeping his stuff with me because he is going to take the couch at night . I changed into a sports short and a shirt , I went down and found that the food has arrived . We all sat down and ate and after we were done . we went to sleep because we were all tired from today ...... I know it's on 6 pm but we are done ......

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921 Words

Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now