Chapter 27 : thinking

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Cassie's P.O.V :

the whole time I was feeling like someone was watching me , I wanted to check who was watching me but I couldn't because the movie was so good to remove my eyes off of the screen . but I can't hep but want to know who was it . was it Liam ??? was it Niall ??? maybe no one was watching me and I was imagining ??? I don't know . I will see who was doing that . I turned to my left . Louis was the only one sitting on my left , he was so into the film . I turned to my right and found also Niall , Harry and Zayn were watching the film . Liam wasn't ...... He was looking at . He blushed and looked down . He was cute . I smiled and he smiled back looking at the screen . I turned and continued watching the film . It was almost finished . I couldn't help but think why was he watching me . Did my look wasn't good ??? Was my hair bad ??? I kept thinking until the film was over . I was excited for the end but I was busy thinking so I didn't see it . Ugh .

Niall : "that film is sick"

Harry : "I loved the ending tho"

Nooo stop that Harry .now don't tease me about it . Liam's phone rang and we looked at him . Liam pulled it out and said :

"It is Paul"

He then answered and said :

"Hi Paul ..... no we aren't asleep , don't worry ...... okay ...... okay ...... okay , I will tell the boys , thanks Paul ..... good night"

He hang up and Louis said :

"What is wrong ???"

Liam : "we will have to fly tomorrow to Canada for our next show"

The boys groaned and I groaned too . I haven't spent enough time with the boys .

Liam : "our jet will take off at 5 pm"

Shit I have work tomorrow at 5 . I think I will be a bit late . Maybe just maybe .

Louis : "Cassie we should get going . You have school tomorrow and we don't want you to sleep late"

I nodded .

Niall : "Cassie after school tomorrow can you come and spend some time with us . Please"

I nodded . Of course I was going to say yes .

Louis : "so let's go boys . Good night goldilocks"

We said our goodbye and good nights . It was now 10:30 pm . After the boys went , I closed the laptop and put it in the charger . What should I do now . Oh yeah . I didn't study English . I went up and sat on my bed and grabbed the English books and my rough notebook . If you don't know . I use my rough notebook in studying and stuff . I then started studying . After some time , I was done . It was now 11:30 pm . I stood up and went over to my bag . Tomorrow was the third day of school . Ugh . It is going to be a long year . I threw the books in my bag and took out the outfit for tomorrow . Since it is September , it is a bit cold so I took out a grey sweater and a black skinny jeans . I put them on the desk . I then closed the lights and turned on the beside lamp . I then went to the bathroom . I did my business, brushed my teeth and did my hair in a pony tail . I went out and got under the covers . I turned off the lamp and tried to sleep but I couldn't . I was thinking about Liam .

"Do I love Liam ???"

This was the only question I wanted an answer to . After that I was asleep .

Liam's P.O.V :

We got out of Cassie's house and to Louis' car . We talked about the show tomorrow and how we will miss Cassie . After we arrived home . We changed into some comfy clothes then went down .

Louis : "guys I am making myself something to eat"

He then went to the kitchen while me and the boys just did our own business . After some time Louis came back with a tray full of sandwiches .

Louis : "I made some for you guys because I love you"

He patted his eyelashes and we laughed . We then begun to eat and talk and laugh . After we were done . Zayn went to sleep . Harry , Niall and Louis said that they don't want to sleep now they so they would stay up . For me , I didn't want to sleep . I wanted some time alone . I told the boys that I will go to sleep and they say good nights . I went up and closed the door behind me . I sat on the bed and sighed . What is wrong with me ??? I never felt this way before in my life where I might have a crush on my best friend and I love my girlfriend . But the real question is :

"Do I love Cassie ???"

I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair . Maybe this question will be answered later but for now . I need to sleep .

Y/N's P.O.V :

I woke up to my phone alarm ringing . Ugh . I clicked "dismiss" and threw the covers . It was 6 am . I took a shower and put on the clothes I prepared yesterday then I brushed my teeth . After that I threw my hair in a messy bun . I wasn't the type of girl who would always take care of her hair and beauty . Most of the times my hair was in a messy bun . I loved it and it was easy . About the make up . I didn't put much . When going to school , I don't put make up . I really don't care . After that I made myself some cearls after that , I checked my phone . The boys were probably asleep so I checked twitter , Instagram , Facebook and tumblr . It was now 7 am . I went up to my room . I put the headphones in my pocket and took my small purse in my school bag pocket along with my phone power bank . I then put on my black converse and took my home keys and went down . I texted the boys a "good morning" but no one replied so I guess they were asleep . I opened the door and got out , I closed and locked the door then started walking to school .

-------------------------------------------------------------Authors note : hi . vote . comment . share . follow .

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