Chapter 56 : wake them up

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Cassie's P.O.V :

After the amazing fireworks . We sat back down .

Harry : "we will have to wait for about 30 minutes because if we went now we will be stuck in a traffic jam again"

I nodded . Understanding his point . People were going towards the parking plot or to the streets .

Harry : "so can you have a sleepover tonight at our house ???"

Cassie : "um I would love to Harry but I have school tomorrow"

Harry : "so ??? I can drop you off at your house then at the school"

Cassie : "but I don't want you to wake up early just to drop me off"

Harry ; "you don't need to love . We already have work tomorrow early"

Cassie : "sure ???"

He nodded giving me one of those smile where his dimples pop out ..... now how can I say no to this smile ???

Cassie : "okay then"

Harry cheered and did a little dance in his seat making me laugh .

Harry : "okay so I am hungry where do you wanna eat ???"

I shrugged .

Cassie : "anything . I am not hungry though"

Harry : "you choose and how the hell aren't you hungry we haven't eaten anything from 7 pm and it is 1 am . You are crazy cassie"

I laughed and he soon joined in .

Harry : "cmon choose"

Cassie : "ok . Um I want kfc"

Harry : "to kfc it is then"

We got up and went to Harry's car . We got in and Harry opened the radio as we sang while driving to kfc . After being stuck in a small traffic jam , we arrived kfc . Harry parked the car we got out . We talked inside . Not many people were here . I sat in a table as Harry went to the cashier to order for us . Don't worry I told him what I wanted in the car earlier . He soon came back and we ate our sandwiches and the fries and drank our drinks . After we were done . We went out and again got in Harry's car . Soon we arrived at the boy's house . The lights were on which means that they were awake . It is 2 am man . We got in to see the boys sitting and talking . We sat near the fire as it was cold or freezing I don't know . Harry was still wearing my jacket which made the boys laugh as it was small on him .

Harry : "HEY !!!"

Louis : "so where we're you both ???"

Harry : "we went to watch the fireworks at Thames then we went to KFC"

Zayn : "if Niall was here he could have shouted at you because you didn't bring him something"

We laughed .

Cassie : "um I would love to stay up with you guys but I have school tomorrow and I need to sleep"

Liam : "we too have work early tomorrow ... boys we should sleep too"

They nodded and we went upstairs . We said our goodnight then went to the guest room and closed the door . I placed my phone in the charger as I checked that the alarm was on . I found someone knocking on the door . I opened it and Harry stood there holding a t-shirt and my jacket in his hand .

Harry : "sorry to disturb you but here is your jacket . Thank you again for lending it me tonight and here is one of my sweaters to change in as a thank you ... you know"

I then took them from him .

Cassie : "thanks Harry so much"

Harry : "good night"

Cassie : "good night"

He walked away as I closed the door and went to the bathroom to change ..... after I came out wearing Harry's sweater . I went to the bed and closed the lights keeping the lamp on ....... I woke up at 6 am and showered then put on my old clothes that I was wearing yesterday . I put Harry's sweater in the hamper and took my phone and went down . I sat on the couch . No one was awake . I then started going through my different phone apps as I had WiFi . Since the boy's had the router thing at home they gave me the password so now I have WiFi whenever I am at their home . It was now 7 am . I decided that I will have to wake them up then do them and me the breakfast . I placed my phone in my pocket and went upstairs . I walked to the first room which was Liam's . I knocked on the door before opening it . I walked in and went to the bed . I shook him gently as he opened his eyes .

Cassie : "good morning Liam"

Liam : "good morning Cass"

He sat upright as he rubbed his eyes and strechted . I left his room and went to the next room which was Harry's . I opened the door and went to him and shook him gently . He groaned and turned around .

Cassie : "c'mon Harry . Wake up it is 7am"

He groaned again before opening his eyes .

Harry : "okay mom . Good morning"

I laughed and said :

"Good morning son"

I then went out closing the door behind nme . I then went to the next room . Louis' . I knocked before walking in . I wasn't walking on the floor . I walking on some clothes or magazines or books or garbage . Typical Louis ..... I shook my head , I was about to wake him up when his eyes opened . I jumped a little as he laughed .

Cassie : "hey that wasn't funny"

Louis : "I was already awake love . Thanks anyways"

Cassie : "no problem"

I went out but before closing the door I turned and said :

"Oh Louis by the way .... clean your room"

I winked as I closed the door . I heard him shout :

"It is my room miss"

I laughed . Typical sassy Louis . I skipped Niall's room and went to Zayn's .... I knocked on thr door and heard him say :

"Come in"

I opened the door a little surprised that Zayn woke up alone .

Zayn : "good morning Cass"

Cassie : "good morning . You are awake good"

He laughed and then I walked out closing th door behind me . I walked down . Mission accomplished . I entered the kitchen to find Liam already dressed and making breakfast

Cassie : "hey I was meant to do that"
Liam : "really ??? But guess what I bet you here"

He smirked . Oh my gosh . Shut up Cassie . I helped him by arranging the breakfast table . The boys can down and exchanged their typical good mornings . We sat around the table as we are out breakfast made by Liam ....

------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

So guys my exams are starting tomorrow .... yup you read that right I have my first exam on SATURDAY ... fuck school anyways I don't know if I will be able to update next week but I will try my best to update ..... don't hate me if I didn't update next week ...... wish me luck and see you next time .....

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