Senpai. Do NOT ignore me.

Start from the beginning



Hallow stood in the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, as he brushed his teeth.

After spitting, he shut the mirror/medicine cabinet and screeched as Amours face appeared in the mirror.

"Holy sh*tting f**k!" Hallow covers himself with the towel.

Amour had his arms crossed. "How about now?"

"No! Get the hell out of here!"

Amour shrugs and leaves the bathroom.

"Kusogaki..." He mumbles as he enters the hallway.

(Unpleasant brat.)


Hallow sat at the dinner table with the other five, but he was shaking and looking behind him and under the table worriedly.

"Dude, what-s-s wrong with you?" Coby asks.

Hallow shook his head. "Amour is stalking me.."

"He is not, he hasn't left his room all day, its all on Cyrus' tapes." Cupid informs him.

"But.. How is that possible.. He's been following me around since last night!" Hallow shouts, causing Fear to glare at him.

"You have to believe me!"

Cyrus gives him a glare. "We don't. So, please, shut the hell up. We're trying to eat."

Hallow let out a shaky sigh and tried to focus on his food.

But, he could feel daggers burning into the back of his head, but when he turned around...

Nothing was there.


Hallow sat on his bed with his blankets over his head, his knees to his chest as he shook horribly.

He heard his bedroom door open.

"A-amour please.. Leave me alone.."

"Hallow? Cupid told me you were acting weird, why are you hiding under your bedsheets?" A female voice asks.

Hallow let's out a sigh of relief, taking the blanket off his head, he quickly hugs his creator.

"Amour won't leave me alone.."

Creator wrapped her arms around him, she rubbed his back to calm him down. "Shh, its alright sweet fang."

His shaking died down once she soothed him.

"I can't help bit notice that you look more pale than usual. Did you eat today?" She asks, her hand on his forehead.

"N-not really.. I couldn't with Amour breathing down my neck.." He admits, feeling slightly dizzy.

"When was the last time you had blood?" She asks, her eyes full of worry as she studied his face.

Hallow shakes his head. "I haven't.. In a while.. "

She sighs. "Poor thing, here."

She brought one of her fingers up to his face. "You need your strength."



He sighs and gives her one last look, she nods and looks the other way as his fangs pierced her index finger.

Seconds went by, until he finally pulled away with blood dripping from his teeth, yet he got his color back.

"Thank you.. I feel much better now.." Hallow smiled and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

But, when his eyes met hers a chill suddenly went down his spine.



Her voice morphed into a soft yet creepy male tone. "I said you're an idiot."

Her body suddenly shifted to the skeleton he feared the most, not not Fear, Amour.

Amour giggled at his surprised face. "Thank you Hallow-kun!"

"You, you lied to me!" Hallow hisses. "I knew your blood tasted weird!"

Amour giggles and walks off. "Uzendayo! I got what I wanted!"

(F**k off.)

Hallow growled and ran to the bathroom to quickly make himself throw up and brush his teeth.


"Amour.. That's not how it works."

"I'm not a vampire!?"

"No. Hallow didn't bite your neck, and he never uses his venom when he bites me." Creator rolled her eyes as she attended to the bite in Amours finger.

"But I wanted to be like Ayato!"



"I don't like Ayato. I love Kanato."



"Damn it!"

End. XD I don't even know, I got bored.

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