Q and A :700+

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I found a random oc meme thing with questions on it. So, I'mma answer them for ya.

And if you have anymore questions for them only feel free to ask. I've got nothing better to do. *shrugs*

1.oldest oc?

The oldest are Cupid and Hallow they just turned three years old. They are the only oc's who have stuck around this long.

2.youngest oc?

I'm not sure if it means age or not, but Cyrus is the youngest because he's the newest.

His birthday is- 9/22/19

The day I released him is when he was made as a draft, I must just too excited about his character to wait to realise him.

3.favorite oc?

I know I've mentioned Fear being my favorite, but in reality it's extremely hard to choose from. I love each of them.

But, the one that is very much like me is Fear with a mix of Cupid. I'm very strange.

But I guess if I had to choose one, it be Cupid because I made him first. Even if his first draft is horrible.. You do not want to see that cringe.

Trust me, you don't.

4.favorite oc design?

That's a tough one.  They change all the time.

But, I love Fear's outfit, which is why its been basically the same with slight changes.

Like before he was super cute and smol with three eyes, he wore a tux back then.

But when I upgraded him to his trenchcoat and little glasses and to four eyes? I fell in love with its design.

And, I'd love to make plushies of them one day.

5.main reason for making them?

Honestly, I was bored and wanted to make my own sanses since I couldn't find any good fanfics and I've always wanted to write my own, but I was far to shy and my writing was horrible... I don't like re reading my first oneshot book.. 

Yes I know the Outcasts aren't sanses like I originally planned and I love them better this way.

Here's a fact: When Cupid was a sans, a friend of mine made a papyrus brother for him. I still have the draft that I colored.

6.describe your creation process.

I don't have one, I just doodle with a random creature in mind and make it half skeleton, thus Asher and Coby were born.

7.do you ship your ocs w/ anyone someone else.

Not at all. The Cupid and Dust thing was just random, and for some reason people liked it.

I don't ship Cupid with him I just think it's hilarious when Cupid tries to hug him or cheer him up while Dust is screaming like an angry cat.

I specifically made my oc's for the readers to cheer them up while having a bad day, and I wanted to make something new and quirky.

Ugh... 8. Favorite oc ship?

*facepalms* I don't ship any of them together, I see them all as adoptive brothers or close friends and roommates.

I feel like one day I'm gonna wake up and see 'Candyhearts' fanart..

Please... Don't ship them.. I'll let you guess what ship that is.. But plz.. NO SHIPPING!

Outcast oneshot book.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon