"Who are you?" He asks me, slowly pitter patting over to me, his small arms going behind his back.

I smile back at him and sit on the cave floor, to his level. He swayed on his heels.

"You can call me Creator, its a strange nickname I've earned. I'm kind of lost, I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone else was here." I reply, setting my phone back in my hoodie pocket.

The boy smiles, revealing missing teeth and two, dull, small fangs. "Its nice to meet you! I actually don't get many visitors, mommy used to take care of... That.." His smile falls as his face goes blank.

I tilted my head. "Is everything alright sweetie?" I ask him, concerned as to why he just went silent.

He looked behind him, then back to me. "Mommy won't wake up."

My heart shattered at his words, I immediately pulled him to into an embrace.

He was so small.. He even for a skeleton it seemed like he hadn't eaten in a while.

Poor thing.. I knew I had to do something.

"Sweetie.. I'm taking you out of here. We'll find the exit together." I say, scooping him up in my arms and standing. He weighed nothing.

His small arms were around my neck, he buried his face in my neck his shivering had stopped.


We had eventually gotten out of that forest, it seemed to disappear into the fog once we left.

The skeleton slept the whole time in my arms. I kept a protective grip around him, determined to keep him safe at all costs.


I had found my familiar town, as I walked on the streets everyone stared at me and the tiny skele in my arms.

I sent them death glares as I entered the cafe I always went to on the weekends.

I had ordered my usual and extra for the sleepy skele. The spider woman behind the counter sent me a smile when she saw him.

Her fire elemental husband smiled as well, thinking he was mine. I didn't correct them though.


Back at my house, I had set the skele on my couch with my soft blanket around him as I heat up our snacks from the cafe.

When I had come back to the living room, he sat up and looked at me with his adorable fanged smile.

I handed him a cup of tea, with two spoonfuls of sugar, and a raspberry pastry.

He gladly took them and began to dig into the pastry, I had to wipe his face a few times which always made him blush navy blue.

"So, do you have a name sweetie?" I asked him, pulling my sketch book in my lap, as I began to draw him from the side.

He shook his head. "No miss. Mother never really gave me one, she just called me 'Runt'. I was the only male of my egg group.. She had names for all my 4,000 sisters though."

I spit out my hot chocolate. "What? You had how many sisters!?"

"4,000. Isn't that normal?" He tilts his head and hands me a napkin.

"Well.. Not for humans.. Maybe its normal for monsters." I mumbled the last part and whipped my face.

"I do have a nickname though. I've always been called Fear since all the children were afraid of me." He sighs at that, taking a sip of tea.

"Well I guess we'll call you that for now, I'm going yo get changed, call if you need anything." I stand and walk up to my room.

{P.o.v change}

Fear watched at the girl walked out of the living room, he hopped off the couch wobbling over to the massive bookcase the girl had against the wall.

He grabbed the first one that stood out to him, it had been a dictionary. It was heavy and navy blue with gold writing.

He pulled the book off the shelf and it fell on the floor with a loud plop.

He sat on the floor and crossed his legs as he began to read.

He laid on his stomach and propped his head in his hands, a long slender spider leg unfolded from his back and flipped the page.

He smiles as he read the words.


Creator held Fear close to her as he slept on top of her on the couch, a fluffy blanket tossed over the both of them.

A bowl of popcorn had fallen on the floor as The Twilight Zone played in the background.

Fear opened one eye and used a spider leg to move the bangs out of her face, he smiles and closes his eye as he leg retreated to his back.

End. :3 I'm bad a titles.

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