Welcome home. (Mafia au)

Start from the beginning


Once outside of the office, Pretty boy sent you a good luck smile and left you outside of their boss's office.

You sat awkwardly in the chair next to the door, a small cactus on the side table almost poked your elbow.

The office door opened and out flew a bat with white and orange fur, they turned around the corner, seeming to be annoyed.

"You can't just turn into a bat and fly away when you don't want to deal with things!" A females voice yelled after the bat.

"Vatch me!" The bat screamed back at her.

You just sat there with wide eyes, completely confused as to what the hell just happened.

Another male skeleton walked out in front of you, his tux being green and black, under the fedora poisonous vipers hung over his eyes like side swept bangs.

"Hey, the boss will sssee you now." He puts a hand on his hip.

You nervously nod and walk into the office, the grogon shut the door behind you, possibly locking you in.

"Please, take a seat hun." A female voice said.

You turned to her, she was human unlike the skeletons, her skin pale, her brown hair brushed to the side, hanging over her shoulder. She wore a sparkly red dress with a pink fuzzy boa. Her glasses shined with glitter in the lamps lighting. Two horns sat on her head, which parted her hair.

She had to be the horned mistress.

She sent you a smile as you took a seat across from her, and her intimidating goons/body guards.

One wore a white straight jacket, keeping his arms behind his back.

The other wore a black jumpsuit, his hands were in his pockets as his teal eyes studied you.

"Now, I'm gonna go ahead and get to the point, this story is already nine hundred plus words." She says, facepalming.

You had no idea what she was talking about.

"Anyway, since your idiotic father is horrible with deadlines, you will be staying here until he pays off his dept. If he doesn't, we keep you. If he does, you get to go home. In the meantime, don't try escaping, or I will let Switchblade here out of his restraints." She smirks and points the guard dressed in white.

He smiles at you with a sinister smirk that makes your blood run cold.

"But, I don't want to have to do that. Stay on my good side and we'll be good. Got it sweetheart?" She asks, crossing her arms over her desk.

You nod nervously.

"Good! Now, make yourself at home. I'll have Spooky show you where to go." She presses a button under her desk.

Suddenly, another skeleton fazes out of thin air, his body being see through, smoke poured through his neck wound. "Yes mother?"

"Take the girl to her room, and show her to the cafeteria, dinner will be ready soon."

'Spooky' nods, taking you by the hand and pulling you into the hall.


Your room was very much like a fancy hotel room, you even had your own closet. And mini fridge. And bathroom.

You sat on your bed trying to rethink your whole day.

Who were these skeletons? Why did they all have such strange nicknames? Were you ever gonna see your family again?

A knock on your door interrupts your thoughts, and in comes a skeleton dressed in a stunningly bright purple and neon pink suit.

"Dinner is ready princess. You want anything?" He asks, hand on his hip seductively, his two tails swished behind him.

You shakily nod and blush when your stomach growls loudly.

He snickers. "I'll take that as a yes, the names Charmer by the way." He winks and walks out of your room.

You sigh and follow after him, trying to ignore the way he swayed his hips as he walked.


You were greeted with a huge dining table full of skeletons and tons of food.

You sat at the table between two skeletons, one tall the other tall. One was dressed in blue and black, he had an hourglass on his tie. The other dressed in orange and black, he had bat wings tucked behind his back.

The horned woman sat at the end of the table eating her pasta ad did everyone else, as did you. It was really good.

"Welcome home princess. Enjoy your stay." The fallen angel smirked, his wings fluffed as he smirked at you.


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