Once comfortably in my lap, he stops his shivering, his legs retreating to the hourglass on his back.

I stroke his skull softly, my thumb grazing over the small hourglass on his four head. He relaxes, and burrows his face into my shoulder.

"... I don't know.. Lately.. I've felt left out.." He mutters coldly, but I can tell he's on the edge of crying.

"What? Why would you ever feel like that?" I ask him, kissing his forehead while I rubbed his back in small circles.

"You've been working on the others and their mystery thing so much.. And.." He sniffles. "...we haven't gotten any time together... Cyrus has gotten all of your attention.." That last part sounded ominous....

I sadly sigh and hug him even closer, my hand on the back of his skull. "Fear, I'm sorry you feel that way, I truly am. It's just, everyone argues and acts stupid when I'm not around. And Cyrus, I don't know why, but everyone is obsessed with him. The reader's want more of him and its been distracting me."

His bloodshot eyes meet mine, his face stained from violet tears. I wipe them away with my free hand.

"Listen, how about this. After I run to the grocery store today me and you can stay cooped up in your room and we'll watch that series you love so much as long as you want." I smile.

Fear finally smiles, it warming my heart. "Really? Just us?" His eyes glow with joy.

I nod. "Yes. Anything for you lovebug."

Fear makes a small squeak, one a fangirl would make, as he hugs my waist. "Thank you!"

I nod in response, taking his glasses off and rubbing the tears and grime away from them with my sweater, I rest them back on his face, pushing them up his non nose with my index finger.

"I'll see you later lovebug!" I grin bopping his hourglass before leaving his room. "And, let the others know you're okay, okay?"

"I will! Be back soon!" I hear him yell after me.

The others send me a grin or five when I walk out of the house with my keys.


I stepped outside to my car, about to open the door when Cupid rushes outside.

"Cupcake? What are you doing? Is everything alright?" I ask him.

Cupid takes a few deep breaths then calms down from his coughing fit. "Yes! Everything is alright! I was gonna ask, can I go with you? I'm missing a few supplies for my sugar cookies."

I nod. "Sure go ahead, I could use the extra hands." I send him a smile as I hop into the drivers seat.

My pixie grins and hops into the passengers side, his Melanie Martinez CD already in his hand.

I shake my head with a laugh as he put it into the CD player, Cake, our favorite song already selected.

As we pulled out of the drive way, we were far too busy singing to the song to even notice Fear's piercing gaze through the curtains.

Nor the venom dripping from his jaws..


Cupid had ran inside with half of the grocery bags in hand, while I was shutting off the car and getting my purse. Which only held my phone and earpods.

I shut the car door and hear a scream get cut off my something.

"Cupid? Did you fall? Or did horn boy trip you again? Or is there a fake spider in the doorway again?" I ask with a slight chuckle, only to receive no response..

Which was very eerie.. And very unlike him.

I sigh. "Just because it's October doesn't mean you all have to prank me again!"

Still nothing..

I get a weird chill up my back, it making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I entered the manor.


All the lights had been broken, each lightbulb shattered from something blunt.

"Cupid...? Anyone?" I call out, but..

Nobody came.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, it seemed darker than the living room, I was about to call out for Cupid again, but I slipped in something, making me fall and scrape my knees.

"Ow.. Damn it.." I sit up and wipe my butt off.. Only to find blood on my hands..

"What the f**k...!?" I scream as loud as my lungs allow me to, I run out of the kitchen to get to my phone or any phone.

A chilling giggle made me stop in my tracks.. And blood dripped from.. The ceiling?

I wipe the blood off my cheek, and my eyes widen when I look above me.

Each of my creations.. Wrapped in strong webbing, smaller spiders crawling on and in them..  Their jaws all broken, the blood was theirs.

A hear a plop behind me, I don't even dare to look behind me, I just closed my eyes, trying to forget the images of their wrapped selves.

"Amazing isn't it.... Being honest Lockheart was the hardest to take down.. But water solved that problem.. It was fun while it lasted." His voice was lacking emotion.

"Now, they can't distract you! It'll just be me and you, forever.." Sebastian chuckled, taking me into his arms.

He chuckled. "Isn't that right..." His eyes turn from white and bland to crimson and crazed, black gunk dripping from his other sockets.



(Bases of a nightmare I had once)

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