Fear rolled his eyes. "How?"

"Vwe don't know. Maybe vwe blew a fuse?" Hallow suggested.

Fear cross his arms. "Possibly. After all none of you know how to even save electricity.. But, it wasn't raining. So I'll have to agree with you all on that one."

Fear shrugged his shoulders at the bunch, then through a couple of flashlights at them. "I've lit a few candles in the living room. Let us move to the next room."

Fear walks out of the room with his own built-in flashlight they glowed on his forehead.

Asher walked after him, along with Hallow who lazily followed them.

Coby groaned on the floor, and Lockheart dragged him. "Why am I always stuck with your stupid a**?"


Once all in the living room, they were all greeted with Jasper's glowing form, his whole body lit up like a lamp.

"Is everyone alright?" The ghost asked them, hands on his hips.

Fear nods. "They're all fine. Lockheart light a fire so Coby doesn't freeze to death. Or don't, I'm fine with either." The widow takes a seat in the recliner a book in his palms.

Lockheart sighed and breathed a large flame into the fireplace, lighting up the room so everyone could finally see.

Asher curled up on the rug by the fire, his head in his arms.

Coby sat next to him, holding his own torso as he shivered.

Hallow hung upsidedown from the banister, wrapping himself in his wings.

"Where is Cupid?" Jasper asked, re looking over the group for the pixie.

Fear shrugged his shoulders. "I do not know, nor do I care."

Jasper sighed and fazed trough the wall in search for the pixie.

"Are we all having a camp out in the living room? Or is it a slumber party? Either way, I'm joining!" Romeo giggled and plopped on the couch next to Lockheart.

"No you idiot. The power went out. Now, the the f**k away from me." The newfound angel hissed, using his wing to push his brother away from him.


Multiple snores filling the living room as the group slept in the living room, the fire still roaring.

Fear kept reading until he dozed off, his face buried into his Stephen King book.

Cupid had joined them without them noticing, he fell asleep between his bothers.

Jasper was even sleeping, floating in place with a blanket thrown over him, which had fazed trough him.

Chains dragged on the floor as a figure sneaked passed them, the short male darting it for the kitchen.

After a few attempts, the chains broke off, rattling as they fell, he reached out for the largest knife the the knife block.

He giggled to himself as the knife's cold metal ran across his fingers, he tucked it in his boot sheath as he ran out the back door.


Cupid woke up with a jolt when the microwave beeped, then the lights flickered on.

"Finally!" He yelled, waking up each of the other skeletons in the room. 

"I'm gonna continue on dinner. You guys do whatever." Cupid stretched his wings, then fluttered into the kitchen.

After waking up, a few of them went into the kitchen waiting to be fed once again. And the others stayed in the living room, their eyes on the flat screen.

Fear rolled his eyes and left the room, walking down the hallway. He kept his thick book under his arm as he walked.

In the corner of his eye he saw a door open, and his blood ran cold, his book fell to the floor.

His eyes widened and he ran back to the others, running faster than his spider legs have ever taken him.

He burst into the kitchen. "CUPID!"

Cupid jumps at the sudden yell then faces the widow. "Fear? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Jasper glared at the pixie, as he ate from his bowl.

Fear's breathing was ragged. "Cupid, its.. *huff*.. *huff*.." He swallows and takes a deep breath.

"Amour got out."

Everyone dropped their forks, as everyone's blood ran cold, and their spines got a sudden chill.

"What..!?" Cupid yelled.

Fear nods. "The basement door was opened.. And, his chains are broken."

Cupid ran to the living room and turned in the TV, turning it to the news.

Which showed...  Nothing? No deaths? No kills?

"Huh.. That's odd." Cupid muttered.

"What is odd?" A voice whispered by his ''ear''.

Cupid jumped again at the voice and turned to see his youngest sibling, standing there with his arms at his sides, his blind fold around his eyes.

"Oh jeeze. Amour don't do that... I thought you got out." Cupid puts a hand on his chest, to calm his heart beat.

Amour shrugged his shoulders. "I won't lie. I did leave the house, but I repaired the fusebox. That is all."

"You sure?" The pixie asks, still unsure about the youngest quadruplet.

Amour nods once again. "Well.. I did get my hands a little dirty.." Amour giggles holding his bloody hands out for Cupid to see.

"Who was it this time?" Cupid asks, wrapping Amour's hands in his scarf to hide them.

Amour shook his head. "Someone who wants to take mommy from us."

Cupid sighs and leads his brother to the bathroom for a cleanup.

Amour giggled to himself remembering the screams of a male who had sent their creator a grin today at the store.

He knew that power outage was a good distraction.

End. (Hope you enjoyed!)

Outcast oneshot book.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें