Alone time. (short story)

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He brushed his snakes aside and adjusted his sunglasses, and pressed the A button.

'Love you like a love song' began to play as he sung it off key.

And... By the second verse, he was already panting again. "Damn it! Why am I so out of shape!? How the hell is Cupid so good at this game!? He's got all the stars and I barely got one!"

Cupid rolled his eyes. "You'll never beat my score." He chuckled before leaving the dancing gorgon.


".. My word.. Why are my roommates so stupid and weird?" He asks himself and walks down the right hall, where his room, and the other two were.

He went to the room across from his, Lockheart's.

The door had his classic "Go the f**k away" sign on it, but the door was half open.

Cupid pushed it and looked for his brother, who was standing in front of his mirror, wearing a pink sweater with cocoa colored pants.

Cupid's eye twitched. "Did he steal some of my clothes?"

Lockheart put a "halo" made from a yellow pipe cleaner on his head, he smiled and struck a pose. "Hmm.. Pink looks good on me.."

Then he suddenly smirked and cleared his throat, attempting Cupid's voice. "Aww yay! Love love love love love! That's all I ever talk about! Too bad I'll never get a date!"

The dev-pix chuckled until his eyes landed on his twin in the corner of the mirror.

He quickly turned his head. "Uh... Its not what it looks like?"

Cupid shook his head. "Sure.. Whatever you say... Weirdo.." He backed out of the room and shut the door.

Lockheart growled. "I really need to lock that..."


Cupid was still pretty offended/creeped out from what he just witnessed. But he headed forward to the last room in the hall, Fear's.

Cupid shakily opened the door and saw the widow sitting on the end of his bed, a ball of yarn in his lap while he sewed a pink pillow.

"Fear? You sew?" Cupid asked, breaking his cover.

Fear looked at him, blandly as usual. "Yes. Now do you mind? I'm trying to fix Amour's pillow, he stabbed it again."

Cupid nodded and left the room, shutting the door.

Fear set the pillow aside and took out his book again, a smirk rising to his face while he jotted down the words of romance, of his Creator and another skeleton.


Cupid walked into the kitchen to grab a snack when he saw his other twin, Amour, playing the knife game at an incredible pace.

Cupid was shocked at his skill, he knew he was quick with knives but.. Wait..

"How did you get out of your restraints?" Cupid asked, walking passed him to grab a chocolate bar.

Amour slammed the knife into the counter, making it stand on end, shaking from the force.

He turned his head and smiled creepily. "It wouldn't be fun if I told you.~"

Cupid felt a chill go down his spine and he quickly left the kitchen.


Cupid tip toed into the living room and quickly dropped his candy bar, his eyes widening and a blush burning on his stamped cheeks.

Romeo swirled around one of the support poles in the living room, like an.. Exotic dancer.. What was weird about it, was that he was flexible and really good at it.

He spotted Cupid and winked. "Wanna private dance?" He asked, hanging upsidedown with his arms crossed.

Cupid's eye twitched and he abandoned his candy bar, running out of the living room with fear and disgust filling his soul.

Romeo chuckled. "I was kidding. But if the reader ever wants one, she knows where to find me!" He shouts after the pixie.


Cupid hid in his room and crawled under his blankets, holding his legs to his chest. "I'm scarred for life.."

He didn't notice, but his halo had a small formed crack in it, from witnessing Romeo's... Inappropriate dance..

"I don't think I'm gonna leave my room for a while." He muttered. "I'm gonna have nightmares..."

Cupid and rubbed his eye sockets to try and forget what he saw.

Well.. I guess a everyone needs a little bit of alone time. Don't they?

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