Photo-Booth Moments

Start from the beginning

          It was often very hard to get Bruce to go out and about with you and when you did manage to do so he was absolutely tense and nervous of everything. He was afraid and you could understand but it did make you sort of upset that you weren't really able to do the things normal couples did. So, with that in mind you had been walking home with him and decided to do a spur of the moment thing and take some pictures with him. He was rather confused but went along with your moment because he saw how happy you looked(and he got a thank you kiss afterwards). He had enjoyed it and liked the pictures asking if you could print him one to have with him. Now he keeps it in his wallet often using it to remind him how happy you make him and how lucky he is to be with you.

Thor Odinson

       It was usually a spur of the moment thing for you to visit Thor on Earth and when you did so it was often that you had wonderful memories to come home with

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       It was usually a spur of the moment thing for you to visit Thor on Earth and when you did so it was often that you had wonderful memories to come home with. You had been on Earth for about a month now, searching for something different to do and it was thanks to a young couple nearby that you found the old picture box. It took a few questions towards that couple before you understood the booth but by the time you two came out you were laughing and completely euphoric. Now you had pictures to remind you of that moment and that feeling.

Loki Laufeyson

       It wasn't often that you or Loki spent time away from Asgard and it was really for good reason but it wasn't hard to fool the Midgardians

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       It wasn't often that you or Loki spent time away from Asgard and it was really for good reason but it wasn't hard to fool the Midgardians. They really could be completely apathetic and blind to everything but their own lives but that wasn't the point. You both had spent a majority of the day enjoying the sites, mostly you because Loki was less then impressed, but it was enjoyable none-the-less. It was nearly midnight by the time you both had found the picture box and it completely had you entranced, you wanted to go inside and investigate. Loki was very hesitant at first but to make you happy he'd suffer these small meaningless tasks. In the end you both ended up with pictures you would cherish for a lifetime.

Clint Barton

    You and Clint often went out to get away from the crowded feeling that came with living in a complex environment

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    You and Clint often went out to get away from the crowded feeling that came with living in a complex environment. You had been very good at finding some of the most hidden parts of this city and finding the photo booth was one of them. You were out alone when you found it so you waited until the next time you and Clint went out to show him. You both ended up having a blast and keeping the pictures with you when you could and cherish them always.

James "Bucky" Barnes

     It wasn't very often at all that the two of you went out, you both felt safer when surrounded by familiar(even annoying) faces

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     It wasn't very often at all that the two of you went out, you both felt safer when surrounded by familiar(even annoying) faces. When or if you did manage some time out it was with Steve or Natasha, whom both insisted you two get some time out and about. Who needs to socialize? Well even if you didn't agree you did manage to get some time with Bucky in a picture booth that turned out to be a wonderful experience that you will both hold dear to your hearts.

Sam Wilson

     You and Sam loved to be out and about, you loved the liveliness of the city and loved to spend time searching for hidden gems

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     You and Sam loved to be out and about, you loved the liveliness of the city and loved to spend time searching for hidden gems. They seemed to pop up every time you and Sam had some quality time together and as such you found the photo booth by accident but what a wonderful accident it was. Now you have wonderfully amusing pictures of one another that you keep close to your hearts.

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