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Harry took me back up to the bedroom as I was half asleep. He laid me gently on the bed pulling the duvet over and a buzzing sound rings around the house.

Harry jogs out of the room and down to the bottom floor when I hear the gates open to Harry house. Within minutes Harry runs back up the stairs carrying a paper brown bag and drops it on the end of the bed near my feet.

He pulls out some little shorts and a loose top that looks like I'd swim in it. I wipe my hand across my damp forehead and close my eyes again.

I hear footsteps walk back down the stairs but I keep my eyes closed. The sound of water rings in my ears and I sit up slouched over. I reach to the glass of water Harry left on the table for me and take a sip.

I reach over to my bag that Harry brought up with him and pull my phone out. I dial works number and it rings and rings until my manager picks up.

"Hey, it's Molly, I'm really sorry but without behind too like... graphic I've just like... well I'm not very well so I don't think I'll be able to come into work tomorrow" I sigh as my tummy grumbles making my hand brush against it.

"Awh sweet, that's fine, I hope you feel better soon" she speaks down the phone. I thank her then hang up as Harry walks into the room.

"Do you want a bath?" He smiles weakly and sits on the edge of the bed. I nod and stand to my feet. What I like about how Harry's being is that he's not all over me like I can't do anything, but he's then again taking into consideration how I feel which I think is lovely.

I walk down the steps and Harry follows clutching the shorts and top that Paul brought in his hand. He follows me into the bathroom laying out the clothes next to the sink and turns back to me.

"If you need me, just shout" He smiles walking over and places a kiss on my cheek. I feel the best from his lips infect my skin before he walks out the room.

I strip off completely naked and put one foot in the bath. The heat tickles at my skin making a breath release from my mouth in sudden.

I finally get my whole body in and I feel my face start to sweat now from the heat I was sat in. I wipe my forehead and lay back in the bath.

My skin softens and my muscles relax more the longer I stay in there. I keep my eyes closed every so often getting a pain in my stomach and a best or cold rush over my body.

After about 15 minutes I decide to get out. I towel dry my boys making my skin turn red from the heat of the water and slip on some fresh panties, the shorts and the loose fitting top. I look in the mirror, I was right, it's drowning me.

I walk out the bathroom and walk downstairs to where I hear noises from. I walk through another door to Harry lounge area.

Harry was lounged up this material grey sofa and his eyes snap from the tv to me within a second. I smile weakly and walk over to his side sitting my bum on his lap.

Harry put his hands on my waist and his eyes trailed to my legs.

"Was it too hot?" He furrows his eyebrows looking at the redness of my skin. I shake my head and rest my head on his chest closing my eyes.

"It was good thank you, I needed it" I feel my eyes close tighter when Harry's hand places on my back. The tv sounds become background noise before going silent as I fall asleep I'm Harry's arms.
I feel Harry move from under me making me open my eyes. His eyes are closed as well and breaths leave his mouth long and slow. He's asleep.

I smile to myself sitting up and looking at his relaxed face. His eyebrows were sort of in a frowning position and I stroke down his cheek.

"Harry?" I whisper gently trying to wake him up. If it was me I'm sure he'd just carry me to bed but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do that. He stirs and I shake his shoulder a little.

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