Soulmate Alternate Universe - Steve's Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm going to leave my weapons out here and see what I can do. Wish me luck!" You straightened your vest and stepped through the door that lead to the room he was sleeping in.

"Woah there, Big Guy, don't over do it." He was confused at first, looking around like a caged animal before finally looking at you. He narrowed his eyes at you but you didn't flinch or look away, you met his eyes without hesitation.

"Where am I? What year is it? Who are you?" You smiled holding your hand out for him to shake but he didn't move. You frowned and sat down on the end of his bed.

"You're in New York and it's two thousand and fourteen" You don't tell him your name, not yet at least. You see him stiffen and go into details about what had happened. Through your ear-piece you hear Fury congratulate you on another successfully avoided catastrophe. Wouldn't be wise to have him running these streets now.

It didn't take you long to become something of a mentor to him, showing him the new things around the city and taking all of Tony's crap when he had something to say. You didn't understand why you had this sudden need to be around him or why you felt the need to defend him but you did so.

You had stopped by the mirror in your room and suddenly the mark on your right shoulder caught your eyes. The colours were spectacular, the blues and purples and small specks all looked like they were sparkling. You had imagined that meeting your soulmate, the whole reason the mark on you existed to begin with, would be something like that. Sparks and colours, an excited feeling bubbling up in your stomach and the red on your face. It was like a fantasy, like a fairy tail.

Steve took to the changes remarkably well considering how different things suddenly were but one thing that he couldn't explain or get out of his head was the once dull star placed on his right peck was now such a beautiful and colourful galaxy. It was blue and purple, speckled white spots thrown throughout the mixture of colours to make a wonderfully spectacular sight. What he didn't understand was why it had changed, why would something that he was born with change? Was it because of the serum? Or maybe the time he spent on ice? He was confused and staring at it in the mirror of the gym.

"Oh! Gracious I'm sorry, I didn't know you were hear and without your shirt on!" You felt your face turn red, you could feel the heat radiate off of you because of the embarrassment. You hide your face in your hands.

"Oh, um, sorry you can look now." He said sheepishly as he took a seat on the bench his bag was sitting on.

"So, what were you doing anyways if I may ask?" You said taking a seat next to him.

"Just looking at the mark on my chest, a little confused to be honest." You nodded listening to him.

"Maybe I can help? Why are you so confused?" You offered him a friendly smile.

"Well it changed, it was a star back before, the incident, and now it's something completely different."

"What is it?"

"The galaxy." Your heart nearly stopped as he said those words.

"The. . .galaxy?" You whispered and he looked at you and nodded.

"Do you think it has something to do with the serum? Or maybe the time on ice?" You were dumbfounded and stunned into silence.

"Are you alright?" You nodded.

"Can I show you something?" You asked with sudden confidence and he agreed.

You removed your jacket revealing the tank-top you were wearing underneath but with it the mark across your right shoulder. The colours matched his perfectly and the silence was tense and hard to make sense of.

"You, is this real?" He asked standing up and placing his hands on his head.

"I don't know. . .but, if you'd like, maybe. . .we could give us a shot?" You whispered timidly and he stopped moving.

"I have to tell you, I'm not sure what I'm doing at all when it comes to relationships." He grinned and you felt one creeping onto your lips.

"Well, I can show you that too." You were now grinning like an idiot.

"That sounds like a good plan, so, how about we start then?" He moved closer to you and you put your arms around his waist bringing him into a tight hug.

"First rule, no kisses before the third date." You laughed into his chest and felt him laugh with you.

"Right, hugs are good then?" You nodded because you really didn't want to let him go yet. You finally found him why would you let him go?

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