They Give You a Massage

Start from the beginning

Thor Odinson

     You had been having a very rare, very lazy day with Thor. Something you both enjoy because it means just the two of you with nobody to interrupt this time together. You had been walking and talking, doing nothing in particular today just enjoying each other's company. Somehow amongst that time together you managed to pull a muscle in your leg and Thor insisted on carrying you back to the castle. Back to the room you shared so that he could tend to the muscle strain. You had insisted that if you could walk it off that it would be just fine but there was no chance to change his mind. You were sitting on the very large bed with your leg out straight to that he could have a once over. "Right, hold still it may hurt for a moment but should feel better afterwards." He said sitting in front of you so that he could reach your leg. You were going to ask him what he meant but before you could he placed his large hands on your leg and started to rub the muscle. It felt, well, painful but he had warned you. You hissed, "You do not have to be so rough, I am fairly sure that it will not help-!" Suddenly the pain left and you sighed, now it felt very nice. "How did you know that would help?" He grinned. "Special touch." He said and you pouted. "Well, I could use more of your special touch then." You smiled giving him a long kiss.

Loki Laufeyson

      You were constantly working on getting stronger, trying to prove something to people that didn't matter. But, to you, they're opinion had deep rooted itself into your brain and it matter a great deal. This means that any time you had over-worked yourself Loki was around to help you. He said that you should go easier on your body because you could really hurt yourself. Now, you were currently pouting belly down on your bed. You had pulled your shoulder muscles in the last practice session and now it hurt more then ever to move. "Has someone failed to listen to my last lecture?" Loki's voice made you grimace. "I am not in the mood to hear another." You said turning your head away from the door so you didn't have to see him but you heard him just fine laugh at you. "Do not laugh, this is far from funny!" You sighed heavily and heard him walking towards you. "Fine, I do apologize, let me help. Yes?" He asked sitting on the bed with you to his right. "Fine. . ." You mumbled. You closed your eyes and he placed his cool hands on your shoulders, which felt nice as is but when he slowly moved his hands in firm circles you relaxed completely. "You have the hands of a saint." You said letting him keep massaging your shoulders. You heard him laugh lowly "I am no saint, simply very good with my hands." You felt your face turn red and said nothing more. You were pretty relaxed by the end of the night though.

Clint Barton

       You've pulled and strained muscles before but never quite this badly. You had turned your neck funny and now you were nearly crying because it hurt so much that you were just laying in bed afraid to move. The sudden movement made it almost ten times worse and so you were bed bound. You were in a lot of pain, pain that Clint had noticed and felt bad about, he had pulled muscles before and whenever he did he would knead the pain out and that would be good enough. Clearly you did not know this and he wanted to help so, he offered. You were hesitant to move, afraid that it would only make things worse. Not that you didn't trust him, you were just in pain and painful things make people over-react and worry too much. "Sit up straight and take a deep breath, this might hurt at first but then it should feel better bit by bit." He whispered in your ear and you agreed in silence. You felt his hands grab you neck gently and he put pressure on the right spots gently moving his fingers to help ease the pain away as gently as possible. It hurt. It only felt like it was getting worse and you were about to tell him to stop when the pain started to fade and was replaced with comfort. The more he moved his hands around the less it hurt and the more at ease you felt. You sighed happily, "Thank you, Clint. I didn't know you knew how to do that but I really appreciate it." He grinned "Well, I do owe you after all of those nights you did it for me when I had back pain or trouble sleeping." You chuckled softly. "Makes us even then?" He chuckled "Nope, means you owe me one now!" You rolled your eyes but enjoyed the quiet and relaxing time together. You needed it.

James "Bucky" Barnes

      Bucky noticed the pain on your face as you walked around, he noticed quite quickly. You had been on a mission with Natasha and Clint while he spent his time cooped up in the house waiting for your return. He didn't trust himself nearly as much as he did with you around him. You had pulled a muscle in your back and shoulder which made walking and holding anything very painful but you still did it. Nothing works out muscle cramps and pain quite like forcing yourself to do things despite it. You were always worried about being too much of a burden for the soldier and thus made things as easy as possibly for him. Even if it meant putting yourself through this pain, getting things done as well as just putting up with it. "You've been staring for a while, Buck, you alright?" You asked not turning to him because that made it hurt more. "Could I, um, could I try something?" He asked softly placing his left and right hand on your shoulders moving in behind you so that you were able to lean against his chest if need be. His legs on either side of your hips making it easier for him to reach your shoulders and back from this position. "What are you-" You were cut short when he put sudden pressure on your shoulders, you felt yourself just relax instantly. You could feel both of his hands on you, the metal one on your left shoulder putting less pressure then the one on the right. You assumed, correctly, that he was trying not to hurt you. "Holy shit, Buck, that feels incredible. . ." You let out a long sigh. "I'm no hurting you, right?" He asked, concern in his voice. "Definitely not." You let yourself fall back into his chest, completely pain-free and happy.

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