Christmas with Clint Barton - Ugly Sweater

Start from the beginning

"Your turn, Dear." He said through gritted teeth and you put on one of the green sweaters that had a misshapen gingerbread man on the front of it in his own red sweater.

"See? Was that so hard?" You giggled and hugged him whispering a thank you into his ear before he was allowed to take off the hideously ugly sweater.

"I swear if anyone finds out about that I will string you up and play target practice." He threatened you but you knew all too well that it was an empty threat.

"Love you too!" You shouted from the other room where you were currently cooking dinner for the two of you. It had suddenly become quiet, very quiet in your home before the sounds of angry shouting were heard from the living room couch.

"Oh, come ON!!" You laughed because you knew he had both jinxed himself and you but you could handle being seen in an ugly Christmas sweater but from the sounds of it, Clint could not.

"What happened?" You stepped into the doorway that led back into your living room to find Clint angrily staring at his phone.

"This happened!!"

"Oh, calm down it can't be that bad." You rolled your eyes before taking a look at the picture he was showing you.

It was indeed a picture of him in the sweater but how Natasha got a hold of it you were unsure. You laughed, both because it was funny and the look on Clint's face. You wanted to be more sympathetic and comfort him but it was just too funny and you were in need of a good laugh.

"It ISN"T funny!" Clint scolded you but you couldn't help it.

"How on Earth did Nat get a picture of you?" He threw his hands up in defeat and you cleaned your eyes of the tears that had formed from laughing so hard.

"She's an assassin, I don't know, sneaking around?"

"Well, then I have sorely underestimated the lengths she will go to get some dirt on you, but, if you need something on her I have just the thing." You went through your own phone and found a similar photograph of her now in his position. She was wearing on of your older, now trashed, ugly sweater for last Christmas when you had been cleaning then as well.

"You're the devil, you know that?" You laughed and shrugged.

"I just happen to be good at persuading people to do things they usually wouldn't, like getting Steve to ask out the girl in his apartment complex-"

"Or getting Tony to apologize, getting Bruce to calm down and-"

"I get it, you know." You interrupted him and he laughed, clearly getting over the embarrassment quickly.

"Send this to her and tell her that you'll send it to the others if she tells them about your picture, she's going to yell at me but it's all good fun."

The two of you had finished up dinner and were sitting on the couch once more, in the quiet of your apartment you were just happy to have him home with you. You had missed cuddling up against his side while watching mindless television or falling asleep on his lap while he ran his fingers through your hair. You had realized how often you took those for granted and turned your head to look up at Clint, you were laying with your head in his lap. You turned your body so you were now looking up at him with your arms resting on your blanket covered stomach.

"Clint, I'm glad I have you in my life. I'm sorry if I take having you around for granted but I wanted you to know that I love you and it means a lot to have you home with me tonight." He offered you a sleepy smile placing his hand on your cheek.

"Same goes for you, Sweetcheeks."

"You sound like Tony saying stuff like that."

"Well, how about, Merry Christmas, Little Bird." You rolled your eyes but had a smile on your face anyways.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Hotshot."

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