You Catch Them Staring

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Thor Odinson

      Thor is a smart man no matter how dumb people in any other realm think he is but he can be a bit. . .odd and one example is his staring. He wouldn't admit it but he loves to watch you work because you are just so focused and determined that it makes you, as he would put it, radiate beauty. He loves everything about you and wouldn't change a thing for all of the worlds in the universe but there was something about the way you worked that made it hard for him to look away. You knew about this little, quirk, of his but you chose most of the time to ignore it mostly because you were far too busy with everything else to worry about little things like that. You had just finished working and to be honest you were exhausted but your favorite part of the day was getting to spend it with Thor. You had made it to where he tended to stand while you worked, it was a strange but pretty place to be sure. You had made it to him but he hadn't spoken a word which was very unlike him, "Thor, are you alright?" you asked waving your small hand in front of his face. He looked like he was suddenly jolted to life "fear not I am just fine, my Love!" his booming voice sure woke your sleepy self up but you couldn't be mad at him so you simply laughed. "You should stop staring, it is quite rude you realize" you pointed out as you took your place next to him and walked in step to your room. "I do apologize, you are beautiful when you are busy" he grinned placing his arm over your shoulder, "I thank you but I do stand by what I have previously said, you should find a hobby like brother Tony and Doctor Banner~" you laughed at the scowl on his face. "But I do have one, it is to keep all of the realms safe for you!" he protested pulling you into a hug after you both had stopped walking, curse him and his sweetness. "Fine, whatever you say" you gave up arguments with him never really end, they sort of taper out and you just weren't in the mood to do that and so you just let him have his way.

Loki Laufeyson

    Loki isn't very shy about the fact that he likes to watch you frequently. He likes the way you train, the way you grin right before you win in a fight, and how you like to make snarky remarks while doing so. He likes everything about you and feels it is his right to watch you when he feels like it and so he does and he is not discrete about it. You were very aware of the green eyes on your back but you chose to put away the thought and focus solely on killing this 'dummy' it was a training puppet controlled by Loki's magic that you used frequently to train. This wasn't something he did for just anyone, it was either a request paid handsomely for or, for you. You did enjoy being that one special person that he went out of his way for though, it made you feel good but you did find his staring to be somewhat. . .unnerving? You weren't even sure what words to use to describe it, it wasn't like you didn't enjoy that he found you fascinating but it was just a bit excessive some days. "Loki, do you intend on staring at me like that all day or will you take you mind and eyes some place else for the moment?" he chuckled his green eyes were something that could peek into your head if he wanted to do so and he did very often because 'he could'. "I do enjoy my view here, but, if you insist I will be keeping busy in the courtyard if you need me" he dropped the sentence there and simply 'poof'd' away, something he liked to do because it was the type of entrance or exit he enjoyed making. Now you felt bad for sending him away so harshly, now you had to go all the way down to the courtyard which from here was a good walk away "Loki!" you called out to him and he had a smirk all too familiar on his face. "Forgive me for making such a harsh statement, I do enjoy your presence it is just the staring that gets to be" you searched for the right words "uncomfortable when you spend most of the day doing so." He smirked down at you as he wrapped you in a hug, "I do it because you fascinate me, the way you move fascinates me" he purred and you sighed. He always knew just what to say to have you become putty in his hands and so you didn't respond you only nodded leaning more into him.

Clint Barton

     Clint is an assassin, it is his job to observe people and remain unseen and he is quite good at that. He has always been a sneaky, quirky, and really good at keeping hidden when he wanted to simply observe someone. The only problem was the fact he had informed you of his favorite places to hide and watch people around the tower so you knew where he was if no one else did. He is quite found of watching you do simple things, like read or watch television the way you look completely relaxed and content in what you are doing makes him happy and it draws his attention. Your small smile to something that happens in the book or show or how you laugh at the smallest jokes, he wasn't sure what it was but he loved that about you. You could always feel the difference between being completely alone and when someone was watching you but you didn't think it'd be Clint. You were just reading in your room, something you did very often and something you didn't think was very interesting to watch but you felt that feeling again and it was getting really scary. You looked up about the same time as Clint came tumbling out of the ventilation and you just about latched to the ceiling you were so startled. "Clint! What on earth were you doing in the vents?!" you sat the book down and rushed over to him to make sure he was alright. He grunted but otherwise he was just fine, "ugh, I was. . .watching you. . ." He grumbled looking in any direction that didn't mean he had to look at you. "What was that?" you had a hold of his arms as the two of you finally stood "I was watching you, you just look so peaceful and happy. . .I like seeing that" you took a moment to process what you heard before you laughed making him look at you. "You do know you could just sit in here with me, right? You don't need to hide in the vents to watch me, that makes it kind of creepy" you watched him give you a sheepish grin and you gave him a kiss. He was a strange man but he was your strange man.

James "Bucky" Barnes

      Bucky always was interested in you because there was something different about you and even after he lost his memory you were the girl that haunted his dreams and saved him from his nightmares. He loves the way you argue about everything even when you have no idea what it's about by the end of the argument. He loves how your nose scrunches and your roll your eyes when people say things you don't like and he loves that you love him. He watches you when he thinks you're not looking and when you happen to turn his way he's always looking some other direction to cover his ass. He was trained to be sneaky after all but he's caught himself staring a few times even though he wasn't trying to because you mean that much to him that even his subconscious wants to keep an eye on you. You were just cleaning up the tower after one of Tony's more. . .rambunctious parties, doing nothing more than humming as you walked around picking up stray cups and plates and the like. You were happy even though you were cleaning, you were just happy today and soon your humming became singing and that soon turned into the predicament you were in currently. You ended up staring eye to eye with the soldier leaning against the door frame smirking and ready to start laughing but trying hard no to. You had been caught dancing and singing around the room, embarrassing enough you were caught by the one person you wished hadn't been the one to see that. You stood still like he'd forget you were there and do something else if you stopped moving long enough but the fact was you were caught. You weren't sure how much he'd seen or how long he'd been staring at you but you were sure your face was beet red and your voice would only be a squeak. You watched him walk towards you before enveloping you in a tight hug "you know, I don't think I've ever seen dancing quite like that before" he chuckled and you could only hide your face in his chest hoping to smother yourself to avoid anymore of this embarrassment. "I think I'll start watching you more often, maybe I can see more of that kind of thing" you hit him softly before looking up at him "you stare at me?! Creep!" you didn't mean it though because by the time the word creep left your lips you were both laughing. You sure did have a strange life but one you wouldn't change for the world.

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