Monday, the 22nd of April

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Cosplaying Colby today again! Not just Colby in general, but his outfit from the last vid I watched with Z. It was her suggestion<3 (Btw I showed her the effect and she said I looked lovely<3 Success :D)

Translation class was as annoying as usual. This time, fortunately, I didn't have to read my version too many times. What a relief.
Speaking class was nice as well. We talaked a lot about conspiracy theories and stuff. Talking to A. B. was really pleasant today.

Also, I think my history book has finally got sent. I can't wait to get it. And I am really glad I wasn't scammed.

Back at home - dinner and chilling. I even fell asleep for like half an hour and had some crazy dreams.

Rping with W. - the plot about M. exposing one of the aristocrats after he came back to his publick life and S. supporting him.

It's nearly 8pm now and I haven't really been productive today. I think I will use this evening just to rest and gain some energy for writing my thesis tomorrow. Any specific plans? I will finish my Duolingo lessons, probably reply to the vampire plot with Z., then maybe reply to some other rp. Late evening? Either playing something or watching a movie. Or both. We will see how it goes.

Omg, B. K. just messaged me that she knoes BC. She said she really likes Another Sun, and I recommended her to listen to their new album. She said she will do so :D
I knew before that she liked BVB, but that's yet another pleasant surprise<3

It's 8:04pm. Time to get engaged with my rps.

I replied to the vampire plot and then proceeded to reply to the pirate rp with W. My reply was exactly 1600 words. I'm kinda proud of myself because of that. And I also realised that I greatly enjoy writing as Colby. That might be my favourite character so far, surpassing even Dream and Antonio. Cool<3

Time to watch something as it's nearly 11pm already.

The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020):
Eddie Redmayne movie, let's go :D
I really like court drama. But I don't really have much to say about this one so far.
Omg the Hoffman potential confusion scene xD "Man, I don't think there's much chance they're gonna mix us up." was just lovely xD
Okay I already love the action in the court and this is just the beginning xD
I think I recognise the painting in the background. I'm not sure tho.
Allen Ginsberg. I know this man.
Omg this one actor is the man from the second Alice in Wonderland Movie, Les Mis, and Sweeney Todd. Lovely.
Ramsey Clark is awesome. Cool guy.
I started falling asleep a bit. But I think that I basically understand everything that's happening.
Omg he's reading the names. That's awesome.
So... we have a happy ending? I think so.

In the meantime, rping with W. - this cool plot between the general and the captain. With S. leaving in a week.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang