Sunday, the 28th of April

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I stayed in bed longer that I wanted and longer than I should've. But oh well. I literally had no responsibilities and duties planned for today so... Some chilling never hurt anyone, right?

I finally caught up with the music Z. sent me. I wanted to listen to the vioce messages in which she tells about her rp, but of course they didn't work. Thanks messenger. You're so fucking helpful, as always.
We also discussed some cool plot ideas for our rp.
And in the meantime I painted my nails white.

Speedway time.
Leszno vs. Zielona Góra
Good luck, Leszno.
Not bad, not good.

Gorzów vs. Częstochowa
Well... The answer is abvious. Good luck, Częstochowa.
I genuinely dislike S. Woźniak. Seriously. He's so fucking annoying. I am glad he came last in the 14th heat after battling for the second place.
Pity. But not that bad.

In the meantime - discussing even more rp ideas with Z. and rping with W. (some N. and J. plot).

I also went back to listening to my heavy playlist. I really missed it. I should go back to it more often<33

Interesting thing - I mentioned S. E. in our plot with N. and J. And he turned out to be with them irl yesterday during their final show. Damn. My fucking intuition.

Talking to W. from about 10pm till midnight. She's one hour later than me rn so yeah. We talked about movies, we played kiss, marry, kill, we had some little roleplay about Abstergo, and we played some discord games. A lot of fun :D

Also, I have to admit, L. B. is kinda hot...

Then I replied to the vampire plot. It's nearly 1am now. Time to chill before going to bed at 2:15am. I doubt anything more will happen today so... goodnight!

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