Saturday, the 16th of March

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Morning. Just chilling.

Washed my hair cause I was going to the town with mum. Wearing my nice leather coat<33

Then the shy kinda got dark so I was hoping for some heavy rain or a storm, but, unfortunately, nothing.

I was going to continue my thesis today, but then I decided otherwise. Like... I can't go to the town with mum everyday. And after we came back I was rather tired (I even fell asleep at some point while watching a yt video).

Sam and Colby uploaded to their alt. Watched it almost immediately.

Done with my Duo French lessons for today.

Initially mum and I were going to rewatch Mozart l'Opera Rock tonight, but we settled on watching Denial (2016) first. So, let's go! Cause this is an epic movie.

Also, I upped my Scream rp posts and Z. P. kind of expressed some willingness to try again. Sure, we could. I think I also forgot to mention that she expressed some willingness to play DBD with me and W. So yeah, that might happen as well.

Mum really liked the movie :D
I'm really glad.

Rest of the evening. Chilling with mum. Helping her with English and watching some TikToks.

Managed to reply to the (old) Scream rp. Progress!

Throughout the day: continuing to rp with W. (the S. and C. Scream plot, with the capital cities; and later also N. and J. getting ready for the coronations ceremony).

Just chilling for the rest of the evening. Watching yt (AVM) and reading Norse mythology.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora