Tuesday, the 16th of January

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Morning - just chilling, nothing special.

After I got up, I washed my hair and later just sat at my desk to start being productive (which I didn't for the next 30min at least; but I've worked on my thesis bibliography a bit more and also caught up with the Wattpad chapters, so that's something, I guess).

It's still snowing, btw :D
The world is so pretty like that<33

I would gladly rp with W. cause she replied to the captain-general plot we have in our dms, but I definitely should focus on my revisions first (I have to revise constr. gram. and lit. th. for tomorrow). Also, please pray with me that the documents are delivered today... 

It's 5:36pm and I've just finished my revisions of contr. gram. Now, I'm going to take a break and eat something. Then I still have to read the notes for the lit. th. test (might do that even about 8pm, tho, cause from what I measured it takes about 1.5h to read the whole and with some distractions as well; I will try to do it earlier tho).

In the meantime I also rped with W. (M. and S. playing together, not very specific, but still really cool :D). I should reply to the S. and C. one soon as well (tho, no rush, cause W. has classes now anyway).

Also, I've been listening to some classical music while revising and "Suite for Strings 'Le Grand Cahier': X. L'Incendie" by Litvinovsky >>>
For real, it's awesome.

Okay, time for dinner and for checking if maybe my documents had arrived...

Before eating dinner I managed to go through the first topic of lit. th., so that's something. The documents are still not here tho... Ugh...

Okay, it's 5 to 8pm, so after I rested for a while after dinner it's high time to go back to work. Three more topics and then I'm just free for the evening.

I've finished everything about 9:40pm. Not bad, not bad.

Time to do my Duolingo lessons, especially cause mum and I are having the friends quest now.

The rest of the evening was just me chilling and rping with W. - we carried on the plot between the captain and the general. I had to go to sleep half past midnight anyway, so there wasn't much time to do anything.

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