Wednesday, the 13th of March

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This day was just an emotional rollercoaster.

Morning was really nice. I managed to wake up one hour before the alarm, so I had a lot of time to just chill.

I took the inspiration for my outfit from Deadzone. (the trousers with bigger pockets, the "Billzo" T-shirt, the "AC" coat-hoodie, my skull bandana, two skull bracelets, two skull rings, some chains, and the flower necklace [there was some sign of life after all]). I felt great, for real. I love all of those outfits.

Going to the institute. I passed J. S. on my way there. He was on the other side of the street, but, as always, we exchanged some polite smiles and... he waved at me! That was genuinely SO cute! :D

The classes. Nothing out of the ordinary. The lecture was as quick as always, so I have blank spaces in my notes AGAIN. Oh yeah, big news, the prof actually uploaded the presentation this morning, about 10am. I was too lazy to catch up with it before the classes.
Me and my friends were in a funny mood today so we started creating a tier list with some hot cartoon characters XD Don't ask.
The Vikings and King Alfred were mentioned! Let's go<3

Then everything went downhill. W. said that K. was going to visit her this weekend. And that hurt a lot. Becasue she just said that she cannot meet with me because of how chaotic her studies are rn. So yeah. That kind of ruined my mood for the rest of the afternoon.
I had some bonding moments with Z. G., tho. She advised me to tell W. what I felt. And so I did. (We went back to discuss it only later, late evening, as she was out with some friends.)
In the meantime, unfortunately, there was yet another misunderstanding between us. Dead by Daylight was at a discount (from 72zł to 29zl! that was huge!) so I offered W. that we could play it. She agreed, so I bought the game and told her to do the same. For some reason, she assumed that we (me and 4 other players) would be able to share the same game. When it turned out not to be so, she retreated. Sure. I accepted that.

Also, it was J. who advised me to buy the game. Like... Thanks to him, I realised that the price of the game was actually less than my usual McDonald's meal. That kind of opened my eyes a bit. Before he arrived, I finished packing my stuff.
Then he took a nap, and then we set off for home.

The journey was nice. We talked all the way through and the topics were neverending. Bonding moments :D I also messaged Z. G. even more. (I told my mum about her, so our frendship is no longer so abstract. And I believe we will be able to actually meet :D)

At home. Mum was really happy to see me. We talked a lot and watched some Blind Channel :D
Also! I could finally open my parcel - the T-shirt and the album. The album is so pretty (I still cannot believe that Ollie makes all the designs) and I'm really happy with the merch as well! Can't wait to wear it for the concert. Also, I can finally check out the official lyrics. Lovely.

Then the misunderstandings with W. came to an end. One by one.
I shared all the details about me being hurt and she explained her perspective. I am glad we actually talked it through.
And then she agreed to me buying her DBD as the next gift (with her paying half of the price)! Now I really hope we ill be able to find some people to play with. And that I will be able to play it on my laptop (or at least maybe the new one...).

It's already 11:53pm as I'm finishing writing this. Maybe I will watch something now. But I'm not sure yet.

Okay, DBD works for me. I just hope it won't lag while playing.

Movie time! (Tho it's already 1:04am)
A Dark Place (2018):
An Andrew Scott movie. I was going to watch it yesterday, but there was no time for that.
There he is! Hello!
Damn, no subtitles tho.
Omg the cards. Nostalgia.
Okay interesting. I have no idea what she meant.
I'm intrigued what's his motivation to investigate this case. There must be something behind it.
Creepy. Yep. I knew it wasn't going to end well...
The figurine was creepy. It was almost a jumpscare.
(Started falling asleep a bit.)
Aww, he took a lollipop :D
I am not sure what is going on anymore.
Wtf? Don't fucking hit him...
But you just did!
I am so lost...
George :c Why is this relevant tho?
Omg it actually ends in a few minutes.
No, don't... I hate him too, but you're gonna go to jail...
This was a really weird movie. Honestly. Not a bad one. Just really confusing.

It's 2:54am, but I'm probably still going to chill on yt for a sec. I wanted to check this animated series that Z. G. mentioned (especially now that it turned out that I already knew one episode).

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