Tuesday, the 23rd of January

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Damn, I had like... three nightmares that night. Also, I have no idea when was the last time I woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare (and I was thinking about it yesterday at some point) and it literally happened that night. I got woken up about 1h after I went to sleep, about 4:30am, I believe. I got back to sleep immediately, but damn, that was weird.

Not much happening in the morning - just me chilling and again watching Niki watch Sam and Colby. I started the last episode.

Also, it's my step bro's bday today so I texted him some bday wishes. I am really vain, cause I'm also wondering if he will text me the wishes on Saturday as well. Also, it's funny to me that at this point I have a closer relationship with him than with my cousins with whom I spent my entire childhood. Oh well...

I was going to revise my presentations, but of course I got involved in rping with W. (the plot with the last meeting between the captain and the general and both of them hurting each other).

Revising the presentations for some time and then talking to mum for about an hour.

Then I ate some dinner and chilled again, still watching Conjuring House.

Then I went back to revising the presentations.

It's 7:59pm now, I'm doing some Duolingo music lessons. I waited till the evening for the friends' quest to start not to waste my today's points or whatever.

After that I'm probably gonna watch something. I'm not sure yet if I will just continue with AHS or maybe watch some movie. I have to go to sleep after midnight anyway so I can't really stay up.

Triangle (2009):
"Apparently bad dreams cure you of real life stress." Do they? Cause if it's a thing after yesterday's night I should be really healthy as I had three of those in a row.
(My god, everything was fine for straight 13min and now it's lagging again. What is it with all those websites...)
What a lovely weather<3
(I can't, this pisses me off so much...)
The ship strongly reminds me of Queen Mary btw.
(Not paying that much attention to what is happening in general, cause it lags so much and I'm playing Magic Awakened.)
Why did he attack her? Was he possessed or was it just a hallucination?
Interesting. I have no idea what's going on.
How did he miss that? He was such a sniper before xD
Also, it seems to me that it developed too quickly. I don't know.
Also, wasn't it her underneath the mask?
Omg it's going to repeat. They saw her before. And now she sees them. So she is basically trapped in time, somehow.
So is this the Bermuda Triangle? And that's why it happens?
(I can't watch this with it lagging so much, my god... I wanna finish it tho, cause I've watched half of it already. Tho I really hoped I would manage to still watch one ep od AHS, but probably not at this point as I have to go to sleep in two hours.)
Omg all the notes. Why would she have to kill them all tho? I mean, it sucks cause she can't explain all of this to them, but still... Isn't there some other solution?
Omg all the necklaces. The amount of times she was there...
So this is like Sisyphus. But why does she have to pay?
Okay, it's kinda logical to reveal herself when the second is still alive and there are some witnesses. Smart. But will it work? Do they even see her?
She shouldn't kill her. They should cooperate.
Wait who's shooting to them? Why is there another one?
Oh no, this is the bad one...
I am so confused right now. Why did she have to kill all of them for her son?
Omg this is the call they caught before.
Omg all the bodies. I did not expect that. Oh well, she's gonna die there...
This is interesting how we kinda know where the other Jess is and what is going to happen and yet the ending is still a mystery.
(This is so annoying to watch when it doesn't work tho... Only half an hour more now tho.)
I have no idea what is going on.
Okay so she eventually becomes the masked one and wants to kill all of them? But then she's gonna be killed by her new self at the end, isn't she?
It's interesting that as the movie progresses we root for a different version of her.
Omg this is the very beginning.
Is she back then? Or where is she?
(According to J. the internet here is indeed slower than usual. I wonder why that is. I also wonder why AHS works normally.)
OMG IT WAS HER WHO RANG THE DOORBELL! What a nice twist. I did not expect that!
Yep, she's still not gone from this reality tho. This gonna be a problem. So yeah, this is going to be like an endless cycle, I think.
Oh damn, she's horrible. That's why the punishment. She had to see it from another point of view. She got her day off.
Poor Tommy tho :((
Is this going to change now? Cause she changed? Or what?
Omg the birds. It means this moment happened before as well. This is cool!
Oh. Are they dead? Or maybe just the child? Or just her?
Oh she's alive. Yeah I was about to ask where the second body is.
This guy is definitely some supernatural being.
Wait... why does she want to go back?
But she could've stopped all of this... I mean, it would be difficult to explain this to everyone, but still...

Just chilling on yt for the rest of the evening.

I don't know. I feel like there's some drama between W. and I and I don't really know why... ugh. This is going to haunt me until I go to bed and in the morning, unless we talk it through. (I doubt it cause in half an hour I have to go to sleep...)

It kind of passed later. The weird mood, I mean.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the evening. Just me chilling on yt.

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