Saturday, the 10th of February

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It's 26 past midnight already (Sunday), so I'm here to offer you some quick summary of what happened today.

After we woke up (not that late considering how late we went to sleep) we had some breakfast and then played some ps4 games - first some two missions in DBH, cause W. wanted to and then some Witcher - W. started her own journey :D
That was basically our whole noon and early afternoon.

Then we watched the Emhyr moments I've been wanting to show W. for quite a while. And she liked him!

After that we watched the first episode of AHS where... a lot happens. We mainly watched it for Tate and some laughs :D

Dinner break and one more ep. of AHS after that. I am actually surprised that W. insisted on it. She really wanted those laughs.

Chilling on tiktok in the meantime and watching some edits.

Also, Sam and Colby released a new video today. I'm definitely gonna watch it when I'm on my own again.

Obviously, rping irl a lot. Which is really lovely and creative as always :D

Now it's time for a break to take a shower. I went first and W. is taking a shower now as I'm writing this. When she comes back, we're gonna make us some tea and then watch the Mozart musical. Finally! I literally couldn't wait for that :D

This is a really short summary, but I assure you the day as a whole was amazing. We had a lot of laughs and there were a lot of really wholesome and cute moments :D <33

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