Thursday, the 16th of May

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I am going to keep this chapter brief - I am too tired to write a detailed summary.

I woke up to the information that there are some weird African ticks in Wrocław now. And that the mortality after a bite is 10-60%... What the hell is that?
I love climate changes...

Not much happened today. I washed my hair and then started catching up with the lecture notes. That basically took me the entire afternoon.

W. and I started some new, really cool plot - with L. and Y. There only have been 4 replies so far, but I've been having so much fun with it.

I had to break rping in the middle of things, because at 6:40pm Z. and I called.
We watched the latest S&C video and... She really liked it as much as I do!<3 She adored the Estes method, so both of us got very excited :D
Then we did some card readings (our own methods) and watched two more eps from our funny playlist.
And there was also a lot of cool chatting. Lovely evening. As always.
In gerneral the call lasted nearly 4h :D
Time flies when I talk to Z., for real.

I also saw an article about the film set I just went through yesterday. That's kinda cool. I can't wait till I can watch this TV series :D

Okay, time to go back to The Crow tv series. I really want to finish it soon. And learn what happens to Eric next. Ngl, the last episode kind of surprised me.

The page where I usually watch my tv series and movie is down, so I had to look for some other solutions.
So he's back to the past now? Interesting.
I'm just waiting now for the things to get bad. It's always like that.
(The ads are killing me tho...)
The huge problem might be that he doesn't have his superpowers (or so I would assume).
Sarah is still awesome<3
(The ads lasted longer than the episode intervals so I switched to YouTube.)
Yep, no powers.
Interesting development of the plot.

Rping with W. a bit more. But that was just two replies.

Replied to the vampire plot.

So, we're back with the court drama. Cool.
Just like that? That was too easy. And the court plot was actually really cool.
Aww Sarah and Eric.
Female crow? That kinda sucks.
(I'm not really focusing on this one, ngl. And I fell asleep for a sec. And then again.)
Why the hell did she fall in love with them? (I genuinely missed that, but I'm not going to rewatch it.)

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