Wednesday, the 22nd of May

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I will try and recount what happened as best as I can, but it's already past 6pm the next day and a lot happened. (These were not positive days...)

It started nice. Just chilling in the morning for about 45min.

Looking great and Z. complimented my outfit as well - shorts, the net t-shirt, the net tights (more or less).

The lecture was as chaotic as always. The lecture that was supposed to be recorded went missing so the prof promised that she will record it again after classes. Then it turned out that people who want to take the 0-term exam on thr 5th of June have to go over the last two topics themselves (and not on a basis of presentations, but some book). I wouldn't be so bothered about it, but later I realised that I should take the 0-term as well to get the grade in time and be able to take the BA exam... That's so shitty. I was supposed to chill for the next 1.5 week with my family and now I have to study for this shit that was supposed to be in 4 weeks and fully discussed. That's too much.

The laboratory was much better. We talked about OE culinary traditions and we did some quizziz. I named myself Alfred the Great and K. chose some cool OE name as well. I was third in general :D

So yeah, I was in a really shitty mood because of the exam situation.

At about 6:30pm (as always) Z. and I called. First we watched S&C (the door closing on its own episode and then the second truth or drink one). And then... We took a break and watch the first episode of Will afterwards. That was so fun. And Z. now know Christopher Marlowe, that's so cool! Now we can admire him together<3
All in all, we talked for about 4.5h
That's crazy how times flies with her. And we finished only because I was going to talk to W. past 11pm.

I talked to W. for about 3.5h so that's also cool. We just had fun talking and doing some quizes. the usual stuff, but really fun.

I did not reply to any rp, cause I was too tired after all the revelations. What a shitty day. Or at least some part of it.

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