Tuesday, the 20th of February

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Last free day, tho it was rather busy. And I still did not move my thesis forward. Ugh... I am going to do this during the weekend, probably.

After I woke up, I managed to chill for a while. Then I got the first part of the translation that I gave one of the other girls to do. So, I washed my hair and then sat down to check if it was complete and correct (tho I'm really no authority in that matter), and I also corrected the part I did yesterday. It took me another hour so... Let's go! I think I really am going to tell Ł. that after this task I completed all the hours. Especially that I still have some work to do tomorrow and I already have like 19h done (out of 22.5h).

Then I packed my stuff and played the keyboard for a while (cause I realised that I asked mum to keep it at home for me and until then I haven't played once). I wish I could play more often, I swear. At the same time, I am realising, again, that I have too many hobbies.

Going back to Wrocław.
First, rping with W. for a while, cause we started a cute little plot with M. and F. eating dinner together.
Then, listening to some musical soundtracks - Jekyll and Hyde, and then also Mozart. I really should watch more musicals, cause most of them are really good and have really catchy songs.

At Wrocław - unpacking my stuff and cleaning the flat a bit.

Ngl, I cried a bit when I got left alone in the flat. I don't know... I spent a lot of time with other people recently and I got used to having someone beside me all the time :,) Also, the last time I spent some time in this flat was with W. so... yeah. Memories and missing her.

Anyway, after mum and J. left, I sat down to correct the translation part I got about 4pm (I was already leaving to go to Wrocałw, so I couldn't do it earlier). But anyway, I got another half an hour for my apprenticeship. I really hope that tomorrow I'm gonna get the missing parts on time.

Now it's 9:05pm. I'm going to organise my movie list a bit, casue it got a bit messy recently. And I'm simply waiting for 11pm as I'm talking to W. then :D

Also, I forgot to mention that it was raining quite heavily while we were travelling and a bit afterwards. I love weather like that :D

Talked to W. till about 2:30am. It was really cool. Well, at least she had some fun even though she was not in a really good mood that day.

Then I wanted to still chill on yt, but about 3am I fell asleep, as always, and then after I "woke up" I simply had ot go to sleep to wake up on time the next day and still have some time to eat some breakfast and chill.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt