Tuesday, the 12th of March

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Another T. dream. I am so tired of those. Please, I just want T. (the other one) to reply to my message...

Chilling in the morning. I relised I spend too much time on Twitter reading all the dramas. It genuinely started to bother me.

Also, all those dramas make me really anxious about S&C. I really don't want any fake allegations to come up against them...

Washed my hair. Continued writing my thesis - the "school" part done :D
I got pissed cause I saw K. S.-P. upload the last week presentation to teams in the morning, but she deleted it... Like... I wanted to complete my notes and now I'm just left with blank spaces in my notebook. (Update, 7:58pm, there's still no presentation, and the next lecture is tomorrow... Sweet.)

Called mum for a sec.

Turned out that Z. G. was also a dsmp fan! She even has the original Dream hoodie :D
That's so cool and unexpected<3

I prepared my clothes for tomorrow (Deadzone time! :D). More details in the tomorrow's part ;)

I'm not going to pack my stuff this evening. I think I will manage to do so tomorrow before J. arrives to pick me up. I might just start with some cosmetics etc., def not with clothes.

Started writing my Mozalieri reply, but haven't finished it. I got distracted by texting Z. G.

Movie time!
Crimson Peak (2015):
A Tom Hiddleston movie :D
And the main role is played by Mia Wasikowska (Alice from Alice in Wonderland :D).
"Ghosts are real." this is the first line of the movie and I love it already.
Also, she is so Alice again<3
She is so pretty >>>
Edith. Noted.
Alan seems to be another Hamish.
She's a writer? Awesome!
Omg and she behaves like Alice again >>
And they called her Jane Austen. That's not an insult, you bitch :) Let's go! What a response. Mary Shelley!
A ghost story?! That's just perfect now...
I love how supportive her father is.
OMG THERE HE IS! Damn... He looks so good...
Sir T(h)om(as) Sharpe. Noted.
His smile! I can't... And the British accent... I definitely need to watch movies with him more often...
Come on, don't reject him... He's kinda like Jekyll.
I definitely ship Edith and Thomas now.
The old mansion and the rain >>>
Thomas Sharpe at the door. Best news possible.
Omg she actually went with him. I'm so glad.
"Would you be mine?" I would melt...
Arthur Conan Doyle, let's go.
Photos of ghosts? Sam and Colby need that.
Omg! I'm so glad it's not going to be so obvious. I always like a greater intrigue. Also, Thomas in his darker version >>>
Damn, his sight...
No... :((
Damn his raised tone...
Yo what?! I did not expect him to kill the father... Was that really him? He wouldn't...
I have some suspicions that his love might not be true tho. That this is just some bigger plan.
Okay. Now I actually believe that Thomas might have been the murderer actually.
Damn. His house...
Creepy... (the shadowy ghost)
Omg Alice is back! (hair)
Don't tell me he also plays the piano... Okay no. That would be too perfect.
Do they need a child then, or something?
Ah sure. I forgot that Alan is a detective stories enjoyer.
How is it that there's not so horribly cold in this house with all these holes?
Okay, I would assume he was previously married to someone and the wife is the ghost.
Omg she's so Alice with this candlestick.
Oh shit. That actually scared me xD (face behind the door)
I love bandaging scenes.
I mean, that's no progress, I figured already.
Is this blood or clay? I don't even know anymore.
She's S&C now.
Oh damn.
Oh shit. I didn't expect the poison to be in the tea.
I need a happy ending tho... With him loving her.
OMG LET'S GO! He protects her.
Yeah, I thought so. (That the poison was in the food.)
Now when I think about it... Maybe Lucille is his wife and not sister. That's why she's so jealous.
Yep. I figured. That or incest.
Well... incest.
Really?! I hate her...
How is she alive?
I still believe Thomas didn't kill anyone.
Come on, you're a doctor. You should know that you're not supposed to take out the knife...
Thomas no. No.
Okay. He clearly has some plan. Wait. Was he supposed to survive or for it to be a painless death?
Survive! Let's go!
Don't burn her work!
He's still perfect, tho.
Yeah. I figured that was not Thomas.
Let's go, Edith!
No! Not him :((
Don't tell me she killed him...
(I nearly fell asleep twice now.)
Okay but the dress is so pretty now... With this red shade at the bottom.
Damn. This bitch really killed him...
Omg the frame with the line "Ghosts are real.", lovely.
I wish there was a happy ending...
Omg what a nice detail at the end. It was a book by her :D Nice!

I think I'll go to sleep soon. Maybe just a bit more yt.

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