Sunday, the 25th of February

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Chilling in the morning. This is just my tradition now.

Washed my hair again (that was the tactics, no I don't have Alzheimer yet) and then got to work. I wrote the 5th subchapter of my thesis! Aaaand... The first chapter is done like that! Now I only have to proofread it tomorrow and add the works cited page for the prof. Finally some serious progress :D Step after step.

Then I messaged mum and dad and we had some little conversations. I also called grandma and she was really happy :D

Warming up some soup for dinner and doing my Duolingo music lessons in the meantime. The Major Minor Trick song (Unit 27) was epic. Pity that it's nowhere to be found on youtube.

Also, continuing the plot with S. and M. going to sleep.

Just chilling for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Rping some short plots with W.

Finishing reading one chapter of The Witcher and started reading The Shortest History of England. It is really great. The next time I read it (maybe tomorrow) it's going to be about the Vikings! (I just assumed it's a good time to refresh my memory a bit as I have the historical grammar classes and stuff now. And I might also want to use it for my thesis exam (if I reach the right historical period in time that is).)

Time to play the Sims (it's 8:50pm and about 11:00pm I'm talking to W.)!

Just waiting for W. now.
We started the call but she disappeared all of a sudden. Now it's already 11:30pm and in two hours I have to leave so that kinda sucks... I really wanted to have a bit more time with her especially after this difficult weekend and the fact that the next time we talk will be the next Sunday, probably.
I don't know. I tried calling her twice, but she's not picking up. I am getting a bit worried.
She came back! I am so glad.
We were supposed to play MC, but it didn't work for W.
Then we just started going through Mike's fb profile and omg it was so much fun XD
We finished about 1:45am, because at 2:15 I had to go to sleep.

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