Sunday, the 14th of January

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Not much happening in the morning - just me chilling.

Mum and J. are to arrive soon. I should probably revise more, but honestly? I really don't have the energy to do that... And I revised lot yesterday. Also, I still have a few days for that (Monday's evening and the whole Tuesday), so that's something, right? Besides, my main concern at this point are the apprentice documents anyway.

I intend to revise some contr. gram. before they arrive. But, before I sat down to do that, I ordered myself a book - the screenplay of the third FB movie. Yeah, I still don't have it in my collection. Well... That's gonna change in a week or so.

I didn't really revised much before they arrived. We spent some time together, just chatting and drinking tea, having fun in general.

Then W. woke up so I had some nice chatting with her (and also a little bit of rping), but then I accidentally mentioned my scholarship and the whole mood was ruined. I don't know... She kinda treated me as if it was my fault, which it is not, and that made me sad. I don't know, I feel guilty even if I shouldn't.

And so, I can't really focus on my contr. gram. revisions, even if I'm trying to do some before dinner. Ugh... I really hate those moments when something goes wrong between me and W., and I feel guilty about it for no specific reason.

Spending some more time with mum and J. - mainly just talking. Also, revising some more contr. gram. in the meantime.

Later, after they left, I finished my revisions and then proceded to revise some notes for the test with A. - not much tho, just 4 stories. I finished about 8:30pm (I was going to finish about 8pm, but eventually decided that I wanted to be a bit more productive).

Time for my Duolingo music lesson. Later I'm going to get ready for tomorrow and watch some movie. And I will probably rp with W. in the meantime as we started some plot between M. and S. a while ago.

The Village (2004):
Omg it's the guy from Splice. Hopefully he gets a better role in this movie.
Those We Don't Speak Of? He Who Must Not Be Named? :D
Okay, the daughter is crazy. Is she the one killing all the animals?
Was Lucius and the dead son in love it something?
Omg Jamison - it's Jesse Eisenberg from Now You See Me, but he's so young in this one. Is he going to die at the very beginning?
There seems to be some kind of a higher intrigue, which I just don't understand yet. Hopefully I will in the course of watching (ngl, I'm being distracted a bit).
Also, are we gonna to see the creatures?
Oh so she's blind? How come don't I ever realise that? XD
That scared me. And we still haven't seen the beast yet.
Yep, I expected the celebration to be interrupted.
He killed him just like that?!
It's interesting she can see colours tho. Are those auras?
Omg she is going to the woods now? That's a bit crazy. Well... at least she won't see all the scary things around her. Tho, she may see the colours of the beasts. I wonder what it would be. Red? Also, I wonder why she didn't want to tell him his colour. Maybe it was red as well.
I wonder why they wear yellow while going to the forest.
Okay so yellow is safe.
Why are they made to go with her tho?
Why not take the stones? Were they fake?
Omg is the beast there?
Well... we finally saw it.
Omg, so this was just the villagers' ploy? Tho u still there's something apart from the elders.
Oh no, a lot of red...
Yep, I figured the beast would be real to some extent after all.
I did not expect that. So they made suits from the dead animals? This is so weird. So... there is no real beast?
Omg this is happening in present times? I would NOT expect THAT!
This is the end? Interesting.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that mum and J. brought me my Slytherin tie :D
Yep, I'm definitely back to my phase and I intend to wear it at some point this week (probably Wednesday, for all the final tests).

In the meantime - rping with W. (also right before going to sleep) - the plot between S. the general and C. the captain (with C. staying for the night in his bedroom).

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