Tuesday, the 9th of January

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I overslept. I woke up about 11:15am. But I had some cool dream. I remember being on holidays with mum and J. And then uncle R. and some strangers arrived. They sat together in the living room and I took one of the bedrooms (there were many and all of them were really comfy). There were some colourful wreaths of flowers (or maybe those were maple leaves?). Eventually I picked the bedroom with some kind of sitting pillow on the window sill and I was about to start talking to W. on call.

Playing more Magic Awakened in the morning, cause the next chapter for the werewolf season just got released. As always it was, unfortunately, rather short. I really need more lore for this game. Like... Hogwarts Mystery has so many lore missions etc. I can imagine that it takes longer to program those, but... Please. Give me more content. (Even though I don't have time to play it and I shouldn't focus on that now...)

Okay, time to finally be productive. I have a lot of stuff to do today and it's already 1:43pm. (Tho, considering how late I woke up today, I managed to get up rather quickly.)
It's 3:47pm now and I'm done with all the poems. It was a bit prolonged process, becasue I was also rping with W. in the meantime - we started the plot with C. and S.'s last meeting before C.'s crew sails away.

Also, it turned out that I have to read something more for tomorrow lit. th. class... She really should've noted it down earlier, cause now I've only learnt that by accident... Oh well. I have to do this now, then I'm going to take a dinner break and then come back to revising.

Okay, it's 4:18pm now. I'm done with the lit. th. reading for tomorrow, so now I can take a break for dinner. I am genuinely hungry rn...

Also, I don't know if I mentioned that I watched all the music videos there are for the Mozart L'Opera Rock songs and OH MY GOD. They are so perfect. And Salieri in all of them is just >>>

I quickly went through the notes from the last class with A. while waiting for my dinner to heat. Then I took a break and watched some part of JM's vod.

It's 6:36pm now. Time to go back to my revisions. I am not going to study longer than till 9pm today as I still want to do my Duolingo class afterwards and later watch a movie (and I have to go to sleep half past midnight tonight).

It's 9 to 9pm currently and I have just finished all the revisions for tonight. I managed to do everything I wanted to :D

Omg Duolingo is teaching me Haydn's Minuet.

Duolingo done, time to watch something before I have to go to sleep in less than three hours.
Manhunter (1986):
Okay this intro scene was kinda creepy.
Why is this so silent all of a sudden...
What a nice opening scene (the beach one).
I am actually glad that the hotter guy is going to be the protagonist.
Also, I'm glad that his name is Will. I love this name.
That's quite an amount of blood...
I feel like his relationship with Lecktor (Lecter) might be something interesting to pay attention to. Omg he is kinda like Sherlock.
Omg the child seeing the photos on the plane xD
Why is every psycho obsessed with Will? XD
I love how Will is involve in all of this. I'm also wondering if there is some prequel to this movie, cause it would seem so.
Yeah, I really like this possibility of him being used as a bait if something goes wrong. Really nice plot that I would love to use somewhere.
"How does working in this case affect your sex life?" "Mine? It doesn't affect mine, it affects yours. Go fuck yourself." what an exchange xD
Wait is he really letting him go?
Okay. At least Molly is being understanding.
Well, we actually got the backstory now so I doubt there's an actual prequel.
Oh he's going to do the thought thing again... I think so at least.
I only now realised that she is blind, during the tiger scene.
Also, the tiger's fangs >>>
But what even is the point of this scene?
Ah yes. Time for a usual unnecessary sex scene.
Omg the conversation. I'm glad that they are aware of the strong suit of their movie.
I genuinely thought she was dead.
Honestly? The ending is the drawback of this movie. I think it drags on for too long in general. And the main killer is not at all appealing.

Not much happened afterwards as I had to go to sleep right after midnight.

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