Saturday, the 27th of January

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Well... It's my birthday! :D
And Amadeus's bday as well<33
And as I learnt today, also Lewis Caroll's (the author of Alice in Wonderland story)! Which is kinda epic. Like... Our three is like a cool extravagant, excentric trio. I love this. At some point in the morning I also started listening to the soundtrack from Alice in Wonderland, not knowing yet that it was his bday :D

First gift I got was from mum and J.
A bouquet of roses, a gift card to HalfPrice, a dress, some sweets ans some jewellery with crystals - two necklaces and one ring<33
I really cherish the roses, cause they are really important for our Mozalieri canon :D
When it comes to one of the necklaces, the obsidian one - it has like an "S" part to it and omg, it gives such strong Salieri vibe, it's so cool! (In general I look a bit like S. today, wearing the lace shirt and the long dotted/lace skirt.)

Then I tried to catch up with some chapters, but I managed to only write what happened yesterday, cause then the guests started arriving. First, uncle R. and his daughter, B. They stayed for a while and we had a toffee/black currant tart (I swear I thought it was the main bday cake) and then dad arrived (with another gift of course). Some time after the uncle left, we had another bday cake! This time a proper one. I swear, I did not expect to have one more. That was so cute...

In the meantime, rping with W. Of course some plot about M.'s bday, and then also some plot with them being at a tea shop. And in the middle of that also some plot with S. and C. and them talking about the upbringing of A. Some really nice plots. Of course I couldn't focus on them fully as I was still with the guests.

I've changed my profile picture to one I'd taken with the boquet :D
And I really like it :D

Time to chill a bit before my grandparents arrive. I have a really bad backache again, so I need to lie down for a sec.

After the grandparents left, I finally wrote another letter to Mozart.
Cause like... it's our bday, right? It seemed to me more than appropriate to do so.

Later - watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with mum. She seemed to really like it :D

After we finished, I started reading FB scenario, but I got tired really quickly. It was a busy day.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that S. and C. uploaded on their second channel today. What a birthday gift! I'm gonna watch it now.
Pity they still haven't mention the head peaking from the basement. I really wish they did.

Just watching yt and rping with W. before going to sleep. I fell asleep a few time anyway so...

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