Monday, the 20th of May

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Morning. The weather was so hot today... Oh my god. Weather, chill.

D. sent us an email asking about our phone numbers. Does that mean we will be uploading our theses soon?

Wearing this short grey dress, plus torn tights, plus flower crown. Looking great :D But it's still too hot.

Today I didn't have any arguments with P. C.
I didn't really read that much and I wasn't in a really combative mood.

BUT! I got a reply about the signups at CH (I don't even know if I mentioned here that I sent them an email) and they told me that the signups did not start yet! There's still some hope for me! That brightened my mood alot! :D

We didn't have the conversation class cause E. took us to some guest lecture - a woman from Massachusetts told us about Disney and women and toys. That was a really nice lecture, I have to admit. Aaand, we left like 10min earlier.

So, I decided to use my time and go shopping. I wanted to buy mum this cool teapot with blueberries on it, but they were no longer at Tiger. Ugh... I chose the flowery bottle (the last one!) instead, plus some chocolate and pens.

Z. had a very similar topic during the extended Polish matura exam to the one I had. That's cool<3

Back at home. Dinner and chilling. Nothing special, just watching yt. I fell asleep a few times.

Then I also kind of started reading Miss Austen by Gill Hornby (only the introduction so far, tho).

In the meantime - rping with W.: continuing the plot between H. and H. and then also some ig rping - S. helping M. take a bath.

At about 6:40pm Z. and I called. We talked for a bit and then watched Sam and Colby - first the video with the card method (the estes method was crazier than I remembered!) and then the first truth or drink video :D That was a lot of fun. In general we spent about 2.5h together.

Then I replied to the vampire rp, and then also to the demon one. I am going to try and reply to some rp every single day, or at least every two days. I really want to go back to being productive again.

Okay, it's 12:30am already and I still haven't started watching the series (and I wanted to finish it today... It might be difficult, especially taking into consideration that I am going to take rp breaks for sure).

Have I just heard "Na zdrowie"? Crazy!
Rasputin? What the hell is that plot all of a sudden?
Albrecht just gets more and more disappointing.
Eric should not be so easily defeated, cmon.
Aww he got scared for him. That's kinda cute.

We're starting with a kidnapping? Interesting.
"Victims, aren't we all?" Nice reference.
Okay this is a quite interesting episode.
(Unfortunately, I quickly started falling asleep.)
What is he doing? He crazy.
I love the Crow's behaviour >>
"Draven's not here" YO! Damn, that's cool.

Okay it's already 3am so I'm going to leave the last episode for tomorrow. I am really interested in the conclusions of this series.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora