Wednesday, the 17th of January

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Morning. Wearing my Slytherin tie today :D
Looking good in general, I would say.

Philosophy was interesting. We talked about vampires as a minority in society. I was also rping with W. in the meantime.

Break - I used it mainly for some more contr. gram. revisions.

The contr. gram. test was really fair and pleasant. I love profs who really want us to pass this semester rather smoothly. Also, spoiler from the future - I got 5! 52/52 :D I am really proud of myself<3

And then there was the lit. th. test. Well... this one wasn't so pleasant. I mean, it was better that the previous one, but still... I completely didn't know what to write in one of the open questions. Again, I should pass, but I have no idea what grade I will get.

Back at home. Of course I checked for the documents and... they are still not there. Well, at least I learnt that IFA is still open on Fridays, so if they get delivered tomorrow I still have a chance of managing all of this without messaging the apprenticeship prof.

Anyway. Time to eat dinner and chill for a bit. I still have to revise later for the test with A.

Not much happening in the afternoon/early evening. Just me chilling till 6pm. Then I finally got up to start revising, but I got involved in singing Le Bien Qui Fait Mal as always and didn't start revising until half an hour later... Oh well... I really like this song and also I'm so exhausted by the revisions at this point... I am also really stressed about the documents and kinda anxious about the philosophy presentation cause we were supposedly to meet at A.'s house on Friday, but there was no official talk about this and ugh... I just hate when stuff lacks organisation. I also still haven't decided if I want to wake up early tomorrow to do the business translation test before going to classes or if I would prefer to do it in the evening after the classes. I might want to be over with it as soon as possible... Tho I don't want to go to sleep early.

Omg my Mozart Letters are finally sent from the supplier! That's some awesome news for this set of fucked up and stressful days :D
Cause I was really afraid that it might just not be available after all.

I finished the revisions about 8:30pm. Not bad. I still have a dilemma about the test tomorrow. Cause I'd love to stay up, but then I need to be alive for the test in the morning and the one in the afternoon. I'm not sure.

Called mum for a while, cause I had another crisis. I don't know. I'm just so fucking stressed about those documents. This whole situation is going to kill me.

I've checked one more time and... THEY WERE THERE. THEY FINALLY WERE THERE. Yes. I cried.

Finished my revisions and doing Duolingo music now. The tune for today was really difficult tho. Then I'm going to watch the two episodes for philosophy class. I was going to watch something from my own list, initially, but I don't think I really care today.
The title of the series is The Good Fight, if I remember correctly. We're supposed to watch s5e8 and e10 so this is going to be really out of context. Good, cause I'm not going to focus on it anyway.
Honestly? I have no idea what's going on here. And I've nearly finished the "first" episode.
I really wasn't paying attention to all of it xD
I have no idea what was going on in this series or how it ended xD
Well... it's done tho. The next time I can watch something from my list.

Rping with W. for a while - first some A.'s name day plot and then continuation of the prison one.

Then also chilling on yt, but of course I fell asleep for a while. Oh well.

It's 2:20am now and I should have gone to sleep at 2:15am to have my full 6.5h of sleep, but oh well. I just didn't want to waste my free evening. Anyway. I'm going to get ready and go to sleep in a sec.

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