Monday, the 6th of May

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Wearing white today! All white! Yes, this is the day :D

What is crazy, yesterday's writing prompt was about a cat living next door and today there was a neighbour's cat on my balcony. What a coincidence :D

Rpin with W. - some short plot between M. and S. - some little morning conflicts, but cute moments as well.

The weather was pretty nice today. Warm but cloudy. Perfect for me.

Translation class - we started the new text. It wasn't that bad, cause we didn't really have to read our versions, so... Yeah. It's gonna be worse the next week.

Speaking was all right as well. It was Elaine's class. We talked about borders, etc. It was superficially a boring topic, but my discussions with A. turned out great. I had a lot of fun.
Also! Elaine came to me after the class to say that she was glad she could see my "white day". That was so nice of her! My heart melted<3

Betard tram.

It was raining a bit when I was going back home. I also talked to mum for a sec.

At home. Dinner and chilling. I fell asleep...

I was going to correct the fourth chapter of my thesis today, but I didn't really manage to do that fully. I tried. I still have a lot of fragments to add or revise, tho. But that's for tomorrow, I guess.

At 6:30pm I called Z. and we watched another S&C video. This time it was the Chillingham Castle. It was lovely. We didn't really have much time to discuss it, cause Z. was leaving a bit earlier today. And we also watched this one episode where S&C handcuffed each other together XD I know, I know. We talked about university for a while at the end. There is a chance that she might come here to Wrocław to study Polish philology. Probably not, but hey, I can be hopeful, right? (We talked for nearly 2h 40min<3)

After we finished, I ate something and watched yt for a while.

Oh yeah, a new person got interested in His Daughter! That made me so so so happy! I have new motivation to go back to it after my thesis exam :D (And I definitely will. At least I want to.)

It's nearly 11pm now. I need to do some more Duolingo lessons (cause I did one before calling Z.). Then I will reply to the vampire plot and watch something, I think.

Replied to the vampire plot. In the meantime I was also discussing some more plots with Z.

Movie time! Batman (1989):
I simply want to delve into Joker's character a bit more, chronologically. I skipped the TV series, cause, come on, I'm not that involved in the franchise.
"I'm Batman." I'm satisfied now xD
I'm not sure what's going on. I'm just waiting for Joker to appear.
Is the man thrown into the acid is going to become Joker?
Okay, Bruce is kinda hot.
Jack's transition to Joker is a clever card reference. Nice.
(I am just not paying attention...)
(At some point I just started falling asleep. Oh well... Hopefully I didn't skip anything important.)
"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."
Did Jack kill his parents? Interesting.
Also, Jack in the past kinda hot as well.
Interesting performance.
His laugh at the end was kinda creepy.
Is he going to tell her eventually or not? I would assume she knows.

Okay, it's nearly 3am. Time to sleep.

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