Monday, the 5th of February

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How is mum? I thought she was better. She seemed better. But apparently she's not. Ugh... I don't know what to do or what to say anymore in order not to unnerve her. It's hard.

Like I said in yesterday's chapter. I'm gonna try and be productive today in terms of doing different stuff. So yeah, just a bit more chilling and then I'm gonna go and wash my hair.

Then I emailed Ł. about my absence from Wednesday to the next Sunday, and I focused on my thesis reading. There wasn't that much of it, fortunately. Technically, I could focus on writing from tomorrow and. Will I do it? We will see, I guess.

Visiting my grandparents. I really should've done this earlier. But better late than never, right? Spending some time with them, but I'm still sickeningly worried about mum, ugh...
So far so good tho. The whole plan for today is coming into play.

Duolingo break (break from some crosswords and sudokus). Some German for now tho, I think. Maybe French.
German it was.

Rping with W. - some unexpected plot with N. and J. (Asgard, J. breaking a glass).

At grandparents' house till about 7:30pm.

Back at home. Time to play some Witcher :D
Nilfgaardian armours tho >>>>
Listen, man, I just want money xD
Wait I'm playing as Ciri now?! Not expected.
Omg the way she dodges the attacks is kinda epic!
Poor little girl :( Oh of course her name is Małgosia.

About 11pm - talking to W.
First we played MC for some time (yes! It finally worked for W.!) and then we just had fun on call. That was wholesome. Can't wait to finally meet her on Friday :D
We finished about 2am, I think.

Going to chill for a while now. It's nearly 3am, but I'm not really tired. I should go to sleep to wake up early and be in a good mood, but ugh I don't know.

Also, forgot to mention that it was windy and rainy again today.

Also, forgot to mention that I manage to convince W. to rp with me something between N. and R. (not romance tho). I mean... it wasn't really difficult as N. is one of her fav character of all times, but STILL.

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