Tuesday, the 16th of April

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Funny thing. I woke up and checked my university mail. Turned out D. started checking my third chapter. There wouldn't be anything weird about it, if not the fact that she still hasn't checked my second chapter fully... Oh well. I will have to talk to her about that on Thursday next week (cause this week I"m skipping the seminar because of the concert).

Morning - just chilling. I don't reallt have anything to do today. It both good and bad. Good, because I can finally rest a bit. Bad, because I feel bad about not being productive. Oh well.

After I got up I took a while to manage the mc servers I have with W. and Z., cause we're going to play today - first with Z. and then with W.

Now (2:34pm) I might revise reading OE and then maybe do a quick revision of BC songs (two days left!). And later? We will see. Probably dinner, Duolingo, and maybe some reading. At about 6:30pm I'm calling Z.

Both of the revisions happened. And then I just chilled will the call with Z.
We were going to play MC  for an hour and then watch S&C video, but we ended up playing from 6:30pm till nearly 10pm. We took a 5min break and called again to watch the vid. I let W. know that I was going to be late. And so Z. and I stayed on call till like 11:15pm. We watched the Dracula castle video and it was better than I remembered it :D Z. liked it as well. And then we managed to talk about our rp for a while.
And then I switched on call with W. We stared with MC as well. I showed her all the new builds, leaving the aquarium for last :D She really liked it. We did some mining and some exploring, while rping as S. and M., as always. And then we chilled on call for about another hour or so.

And then basically I went to sleep, at 3am, casue I wanted to have an hour of chilling in the morning.

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