Tuesday, the 2nd of April

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Morning. Just chilling. Nothing special.

Then I got engaged with correcting my thesis - up until 5pm. I have no idea what she expected me to get rid of. I did something, but it's not much shorter. Oh well. Than I also got engaged with planning the third chapter, but that ended rather quickly - I only sorted the poems I need to use. I will maybe read them tomorrow to see what I have.

Time to finally eat something. And after that? We will see. I don't know if I'm talking to Z. G. today. Probably not.

Just chilling for the rest of the afternoon/early evening. Just as I though - not talking to Z. G. tonight. But we're calling tomorrow, it seems :D
Also, D. K. replied to my email and said she is was going to read the chapter tonight. Oh my... 'm nervous. She wrote it in a relly happy way, but still... I didn't really change taht much.. Probably too little...

Also, I'm pissed. I replied to the Grindeldore rp yesterday and the man messaged me today that he will reply soon. And so I replied that I my next reply will probably be in July (and he knew that I am not active and that I'm very liberal with my rps). And he cancelled this rp. *clown face* I am not mad that the rp ended. I am mad that I wasted my time yesterday when I could have replied to some other rp... *upside down smiley face*

Anyway. It's 8pm so it's time to be a bit productive for a while. Plan? OE reading, some more Duolingo, maybe some beginning of the plan of the next chapter of the thesis, and then maybe some rp. We will see how it goes. About 9pm I would love to play some Inscryption demo and then around 10pm watch something.

Throughout the day - rping with W. (some general and captain plot; some M. and S. after the night together moments; and some M. and F. just before the first performance).

Read some OE and did some Duo classes. I have the friends quest with B. this time ! Pity mum doesn't have one because of that tho... That's gonna be it for today. It's 9pm in 7min. It's Inscryption time. I might reply to some rp after that, but I doubt it.

I beat the demo first try. It was difficult, but really nice. The next time it is on sale for less than 30zł, I'm going to buy it only for the first phase :D

Okay, it's a quarter to 10pm, time to watch something (yep, I'm not replying to any rp, I don't think so; I might only reply to the "short" plot with Z. G.).

The Phantom of the Opera (2005):
Time to add another musical to my "watched" list :D Hopefully there are some nice songs. I LOVE musical soundtracks<3
Omg Paris!
Omg a sale at a theatre<3
Is this going to be all black-and-white?
Omg first song!
I had no idea this is the music from this movie.
Omg what nice switch to colour :D
So there is a real ghost? Or a human?
What pretty starts she has in her hair. Also, pretty dress<3
Okay, the ghost is a human, I think.
Omg he recognised her. That's cute.
The father kinda hot.
All the roses >>>
Omg reading the stories of the north? That sounds epic. This childhood friendship must have been really cute.
Omg I like the Phantom's voice. His part of the song was really nice.
I know this song. I had no idea it's from this.
Omg his place is so pretty and elegant. I'd love to be there.
Also his suit >> Another Antonio Salieri.
Nice turn.
The Notes song is really nice. Something new, finally.
I have to admit, I really like Vicomte.
Omg the situation with the roses. That was such an S.-M. situation.
Is he going to poison her? Okay no. Just change her voice.
That was brutal.
Pretty scene in the snow. Lovely. Truly lovely.
I really like Raoul. I would definitely choose him over the Phantom.
Omg I love masquerades. So the Phantom is surely going to be there now...
Damn, Raoul's uniform >>>
What a party.
Omg, everyone is in black-and-white clothes, but he's wearing red. Nice.
I have to admit, all the parts sung by the Phantom are really nice.
I guess the child is the Phantom, right?
What a lovely mist.
Raoul has to win, please.
What the hell is your problem, man?
We Have All Been Blind, or at least the beginning of it, has to me Les Mis vibes (the revolutionists' songs). Maybe that's just me.
I always thought his real hair was black.
Raoul reminds me of Lestat a bit.
Okay he is kinda hot without the mask as well.  But it depends on the angle. But I still don't like him. I cross my fingers for Raoul.
Why the hell did she stay?
She looks a bit like Nancy from ST.
Okay, nevermind. She left.
I am glad that they made the rose red even though everything else was in black and white.
Def not one of my fav musicals, but I'm glad I watched something new.

Z. G. and I started new short plot - the one with the storm :D

Rping with W. (S. using the dagger on his wrist and M. questioning him about it; A. and the jar, showing it to C.) right before going to sleep.

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