Sunday, the 7th of January

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Morning. Woke up at about 10:30am. Not bad, not perfect. I will manage. Just chilling on yt and tiktok for a while.

Then I washed my hair. Not going to church today. Time to start being productive, cause I actually have a lot of plans for this day (I know that I will not manage to do everything, but I want to at least try.)

Okay, it's 5:02pm and I'm done with constructive grammar and half of the poems for today. Now I simply HAVE TO take a break for the laundry and dinner, otherwise I'm going to starve.

Also, J. messaged the other group that they do not have to come to the classes tomorrow because of the cold temperatures. I still hope E. will do the same, but ugh... Probably not. Not everyone is so lucky. I could easily stay longer tonight and do everythin I have to without worrying and rushing through it...

Okay, the essay is handed in now. It's my problem no longer.

I decided that I won't attend the speaking class tomorrow. I will simply stay up tonight and do everything I have to do and still chill afterwards. (Yes, it was a difficult decision to make, so I obviously discussed it with mum as well.)

Of course, the seminar prof only now (7pm) messaged us what we should read for the next class... Ugh, I have to read it now as well before I procede with anything else.

Okay, done with the poems for today (8:47pm).
I'm going to revise the literary theories now. Probably not all of it, but I will at least do something and start. At 9:30pm I am taking a break to do my Duolingo lessons, tho.

Well... I took a break for the Duolingo lessons about half an hour later. But, I managed to go through the two first topics for lit. th. (I reread them from the sources; I will go through the notes after I'm done with all of it), the first before the Duolingo lessons, and the second after it. I finished before 11pm. Now it's time to "chill". I'm gonna watch something, but first I have to watch about 2h movie for the philosophy class - Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999). I'm not going to pay much attention to it, tho. I will be doing some other stuff in the meantime, getting ready for tomorrow, catching up with SuitU, starting a new book on Wattpad, and probably messaging W. Tho, I might give here some review if the movie turns out to be worth it.
For now, the only thing I can mention is the opening soundtrack, which annoys me greatly. At the same time it reminds me in a way of the soundtrack from The Wolf Among Us, which should not affect me that way, on the contrary.
I kinda like Louie (tho I'm so not paying attention to what is going on).
And yeah, the main guys is nice as well. And kinda cute at times.
Please, I want to see his relationship with this girl develop. This might be cute. Omg and they're talking about books<3
Oho, French. And I understood some.
Aw, it's his best friend even though he doesn't understand a word he says.
(I took a long break cause I was catching up all the past discord messages. Well, whatever.)
Louie, how could you...
Cool that she got the book in the end.

Time to proceed to some movie from my list.
Unfriended: Dark Web (2018):
The previous one was rather shit, so let's finish this quickly.
What the hell is her problem? He so cares about her.
Serena kinda pretty.
Omg Charon and The River. Interesting. Mythology.
Honestly? Sequels are usually worse than the original movies, but I feel like this one is more interesting than Unfriended.
Poor Damon.
Omg nice that the Charon is actually made to cooperate with him.
That was some creative approach with AJ right there.
Oh damn. Poor Serena. Yep. I figured both of them would die because of her not making the choice.
Yo, it was a whole game night. That was kinda cool. Definitely a better choice than the one with a ghost.

Rping with W. in the meantime. S.'s betrayal and M.'s execution. And then some little plot with the red rose.

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