Thursday, the 8th of February

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Okay. Third night in a row I had a dream about the same shopping mall. Weirdly enough, I have no idea what shopping mall exactly that could be BUT somehow it is still familiar and I know that I know it from somewhere. Weird. Could that mean anything? Who knows?

Chilling for some time in the morning and then... I wrote the second sub chapter of my thesis! And it turned out to be even longer than the previous one xD Which is funny cause I could have sworn it would be shorter. Anyway, I'm proud of myself again.

Also, I was able to write it as the pain was not so terrible today. In fact, I didn't even have to take any painkillers. Which is surprising considering how painful it was yesterday. Anyway. I'm glad I'm better today.

Dying my hair green again :D
I wanted for it since my bday. I wanted to wait for W.'s arrival tho so that the colour don't fade away so quickly.

Duolingo time. Omg it started with a Sea Shanty! How nice :D

Playing the piano for a while. I've learnt the second accord for the left hand. Not bad, not bad. But my wrist hurts.
And I tidied my room a bit.

Everything was great in general, but then I had some stupid argument with mum about me helping her with English. I was too impatient, I admit it but ugh... I didn't expect it to end like that.

Well, at least my hair has its proper colour now. Yes, the dye worked :D

Then the argument kinda continued, but mum still wanted to watch the second part of the FB movie. J. joined us for the first half as well. And we had a lot of fun in general. All the wrongs passed away, fortunately. Mum really liked this movie as well and I'm really glad. Pity we won't be able to finish the whole series. Maybe next time. Hopefully.

And then basically just playing the Witcher. Trying to clear the map from all the question marks, which is not easily cause there is like a million of them. And also, my inventory seems to constantly have too little space... I don't know. Maybe I should start crafting some stuff? We will see next time, I guess.
Omg I finally won Gwint with someone. I don't know, maybe I've just been choosing too strong opponents so far?

I know I was supposed to proofread the chapter today, but honestly? I finished playing right before 2am (which is not that late, considering I started playing when it was already past midnight as we started the movie quite late).
So, I will try and do the proofreading tomorrow.
For now I just want to chill and rp with W. and then simply go to sleep. Admittedly, I had enough writing today.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن