Wednesday, the 15th of May

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I woke up 1h earlier than I ahd to so I had an hour to chill. Watching S&C episode.

D. went back to checking my thesis and she actually finished it this morning. I have no idea how she managed to read all of it during less than 24h... Hopefully she just browsed it and actually slept that night.

I had a crow-themed outfit again. I just like wearing this one "cover" dress. I love how it waves in the wind.

Also, there was a film set in the Plac Uniwersytecki today and it seemed they were going to actually film the movie.

M. G. complimented my outfit<3

M. S. actually told me that after I left on Thursday, D. K. talked to M. Ś. about the permitted length of a thesis and thet there was actually no real limit. That's so nice. But she really could've told me that so I stopped stressing over it.

The lecture was actually slow paced today and I managed to note down most of the slides. What a nice surprise.
But we're going to have one lecture recorded, because we have to catch up with it in our own time. Oh well...
Also, there won't be any classes on Wednesday the 29th of May, because there will be Friday's classes and I have free Fridays so... I could actually go back home right after the exam on Monday. Actually (when I later talked to mum), I realised that I could stay at home basically from Thursday the 23rd until Sunday the 2nd if it weren't for that one exam... Damn. I will have to plan this well.

Then I got an email from D. that my thesis was fully checked and with some comments. She also advised me to go through it twice. That is not going to happen. That would take me ages, I swear. I might read it once, but I wouldn't even take that for certain.
Also, she offered some online consulting if needed, cause she is flying somewhere tomorrow. She really should've notified us. Like... How could we know? We would just go to the institute like complete idiots and waste our precious time.

The historical grammar class was very chill as we watched the second episode of this series and answered some questions needed for the final test. We even left a bit earlier, but we have some homework to do this time.

Then I went to buy myself some dinner. Ah yes, also, I have to avoid the film set on my way home.

Talking to mum on the phone for a sec. Dinner and chilling (watching more S&C). Of course I started falling asleep a bit.

Also, there is some parcel waiting for me at my family house. It's interesting cause it's apparently from BVB, but the album that I ordered is not out yet. I ahve no idea what that is.

After some chilling, I finally sat at my desk to correct my thesis. There was a bit more work than I expected there to be, but that's fine. I managed to deal with that. Also, D. K. added some very nice sentences to my conclusions. I actually love them. And the Dahmer fragment stayed untouched. That is just lovely.

It's 9:22pm now. I should probably reply to the vampire plot. And later I might watch the seires or something else. I would play minecraft, but my arm actually hurts from all that writing I did yesterday and today so...

Replied to the vampire plot.

Also, two days ago was not only uncle R.'s name day and Flo's bday. It was also the second anniversary of me starting this diary. That's kinda cute. I need to remember this date.

Is he doing a seance?
Omg the rose.
Well... That was clearly successful.
Oh so he summoned a murderer. That's interesting.
"Shadow is the strongest part of men. Because it lasts." Interesting approach.
"Murderers inspire all types of obsessions." That is true.
Make up is finally back! Let's go!
This guy from the club is kinda cute.
"Serial killers follow rituals." This episode is really cool, I have to admit.
Damn, him without the coat >>>
Interesting realm.

Replied to the vampire plot.

I really don't like this policewoman, fr. Stop sniffing around.
(I was so not paying attention to this episode.)
I hate Albrecht right now. What a shitty friend. I really hoped he would beat him up.

Might as well watch one more.
I actually like the title of this one.
No... don't tie up your hair...
Just wait until Sarah knows.
"They made him wear tie? Is that legal?" I love her xD
He finally has some kind of proof. Phew.
Are Eric and Crow separate entities? I still haven't figured this out.
Guilty? What the hell? Is he going to escape or survive the death sentence or what? Cause there are still 10 more eps to go.

I fell asleep while watching yt, but I wasn't very mad about it. Proably because the next day was free from classes anyway.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat