Wednesday, the 24th of April

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Morning. I managed to wake up at 9:30am, so I still had an hour to chill on yt while eating some breakfast.
Before I left home, I even managed to read the Witcher for a very short while.

First the lecture. I swear, I have more blank spaces than the text in my notes. This is ridiculous. But it was kinda nice to listen about French influence in the English language. At the end the prof just rushed though a series of slides, so there was basically no way to even start noting them down.
Then, during the laboratory, we translated some OE letters. That was REALLY fun, I have to admit. And we left a few minutes earlier.

So, I went shopping. I bought a little gift for Z. (a ring, little white stony beads, the same as mine black one), and some gifts for S. for the Children Day in June (bubbles, lollypop, and a multicolour pen). And I also bought cards for myself (gold ones<3) and two mugs (black and white cats :D I LOVE them utterly). Also, I relised that I bought the cards on the day when I wore my card socks and T-shirt. Interesting coincidence, cause I only relised it at home.

Talking to mum for a while while coming back home.

Betard tram.

At home. Dinner and chilling. For a sec I even fell asleep, but then I decided not to do so. No specific reason, honestly.

When I got up, it was already pretty late.

I called mum once again and talked to her for a longer while. I also did some Duo lessons in the meantime. And then I finally caught up with this chapter.

It's 10:25pm already. I am going to quickly prepare some clothes for tomorrow and then maybe play some DBD. I need to learn how to play, finally. I am not going to do anything productive today. I am gaining energy to write the last part of the last chapter of my thesis on Friday. And I don't really have that much to do anyway.

Omg I got so stressed for a sec, because D. K. actually uploaded some "changed" version of my third chapter to Teams. But I don't think anything was actually changed there so...

Anyway. Back to my plans. I will get ready for tomorrow, play DBD for a sec, and then probably just watch something and reply to the vampire plot with Z.

I played DBD for a while and theoretically I know how to play now, but ugh... The game lags so much for me that I doubt I will ever be able to play with other people.

Jeanne du Barry (2023):
A Johnny Depp movie :D Also, French vibes, so I have high hopes.
Omg it's in French.
Oh damn. The party.
Did they make a Johnny Depp coin? That's so cool.
Ew... that's kinda disgusting.
Versailles? Lovely.
Okay, Jean's outfit >>> Salieri vibes.
I don't really get it. She's not even pretty.
I love the cloak and the white dress tho.
Oh my god... Johnny speaking French...
Omg his outfit the next day. The red one.
The dauphin kinda hot. And he has pretty outfits as well.
I really like the butler. Or whatever his function is.
Yep. I figured that might be a living human being.
She looks cool in a man's outfit. I'd love to wear sth like that.
Ah, the king's dark outfit >>
Marie Antoinette. Cool.
Dauphin's outfit in the church >> I love the green.
Magic tricks!
La Borde was the fucking best character in this movie. And Louis XVI was cool as well.

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