Wednesday, the 21st of February

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I managed to wake up half an hour before I HAD TO wake up, so I managed to eat some breakfast and chill for a while.

Then I basically got ready and left.

Oh yeah, before I left, M. P. messaged me about the translation, so at that point I was basically sure that everyone was doing it :D

Historical grammar lecture.
This is the first time we had a lecture not on Friday and not on Teams. Of course I had problems with making the notes. I really hope the prof WILL send the presentation in the future.
This is also the first time we had a class together, like, all the people from our year. We had some laughs. It was really nice in general. And I really don't think K. S.-P. is going to give us any headache.

M. P. also sent me her part of the translation :D

Historical grammar. The exercise one for which I fought one week ago.
The last girl sent me her part of the translation as the class began, so that was brilliant. There was only my work left for the time after I finish the class.
The class itself was really nice. K. S., M. S. and I had some nice laughs during it. Also, Finnish and Icelandic (mainly Finnish) were mentioned and that warmed my heart :D

Betard tram :D

Not even eating anything, just dealing with the apprenticeship task immediately.
Turned out that I had to ask for access from my university (I think) to access the part that one girl sent me. I managed to get the access right as she sent me another version of it (for which I asked). But yeah, correcting the translations that I got today was not bad. The worst part was fucking combining all the pages into one document. Cause Word does NOT know how to cooperate, especially with pasting the tables. I'm sorry, but that was hell.
It took me about 2h in general and at 5:30pm to the minute I was able to sent it to Ł.
I also was left only with one hour of apprenticeship, so I basically informed him that I managed to catch up with all the missing hours. It was rather cute casue he thanked me for the work (what a relief, casue I was so worried that something might have been wrong) and for the cooperation in general. And I thanked him as well, of course. I am so glad that I basically managed to finish the apprenticeship before the semester started.

Eating some dinner and chilling for the rest of the evening.
I watched JM's vod, the Buckshot Roulette one, and I have to admit, the game looks epic. I would gladly play it myself if I'm given a chance.

Now I still have about 45min before calling W. so I can watch the Buckshot Roulette from JackSepticEye's channel. Yep, I got addicted. And then there's also Dawko's video, so that's kinda cool :D

W. had some internet problems, so we basically started playing MC about 11:30pm (first we tried 
Among Us, but it didn't work). It was a lot of fun tho, playing as M. and S. <33
And then we still chilled for a longer while, till about 3? 3:30am? Something like that.
After we finished we rped for a bit - a hot scene with S. and C.

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