Tuesday, the 9th of April

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I woke up relatively early and used this morning to chill a bit. However, I woke up with a bad headache, basically the same one as I had in the middle of the night. Oh well. That's just me and my healthy lifestyle.

I started watching the newest S&C video and o my god... It is so epic! I alreday offered Z. G. that we could watch it together, and she agreed :D I am still left with half an hour of material (I left it as a reward after finishing writing the part of my thesis I planned for today). Also, some small rping with W. - S. and C.

Then I finally got ready for today and about 1pm I sat down to work on my thesis. I've finished the first subchapter, yay! It took me about 3h as I finished about 4pm. I've written 3.5 pages. Not bad, not bad at all.

Time to finally eat something as I'm getting pretty hungry.

Oh yeah, it's hot as hell, again.

Later I still need to focus on revising my speaking presentation. I genuinely should do it at least once a day for the next week.

Also! My jabots have been sent! That's some great news :D

And I really should go and eat now. That's enough writing for some time.

After dinner - continuing watching the S&C video. It was already epic so far, but the "He shouldn't do that" moment after the ghost confirmed that there were three more ghosts, probably because of Sam's ritual? What the actual hell?! I wonder now if Sam tells them about it, cause that's just so accurate!
AND THAT WASN'T EVEN THE END! I'm literally speechless...
And then the leg moment? That was crazy as well.
Also, I saw people talk a lot about the ending and that apparently it was the best. Was that it? Or something else is going to happen?
Okay, that episode was CRAZY!

Talked to mum for an hour. We had a lot of things to cover. Also, she told me that J. just started listening to BC songs on his own. He took the effort of downloading them on his memory stick to listen to them in the garage. That's so cute<3
Then I revised my speaking presentation and replied to the plot with Z. G.

It's 9:13pm now. I am unsure yet how my evening will look like. But I will decide about that in a second.

Played mc for quite a time. I focused on the tower. Yes. I've finally finished it. And then I also created a server for me and Z. G.

Back to Hamilton:
Thomas Jefferson. Hello!
Cabinet Battle. I always liked those songs. This is, I believe, the furthest I've gone with the playlist.
Ah yes, the famous Room Where It Happens. I still don't know if I like this song or not. I think I might.
I have to admit, the only person having any arguments in this cabinet is Jefferson. Tho, the second song is not as good (only because of the music).
Okay in One Last Time Alexander had a really nice costume. I smiled when it was announced that Thomas was running for president.
Georgie! Hi<3 I LOVED the ending of this song.
We Know was pretty nice.
Hurricane is in my top as well<3
Stay Alive (Reprise) sounded nice at the beginning.
Let's go. Thomas is finally the president. The Election 1800 was quite nice.
The ending of The World Was Wide Enough was really nice.

Just a bit more chilling on yt, I guess. It's 6 past 2am, and I should go to sleep at 3am if I want to have one hour of chilling in the morning.

Damn, it got so windy. I love such powerful weather phenomena.

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