Wednesday, the 1st of May

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I woke up rather early, I think. At least I felt so, cause it was only 10am. Even though I should wake up about 9:30am, but whatever.

Mainly just chilling today. I helped mum in the kitchen a bit, we baked a cake.

Then we ate the first course.

J. showed me his BC playlist in the garage.

Then aunt M. and my grandad visited us. (Oh yeah, aunt M. arrived yesterday.) I sat with them for a while, but then just went to my room and chilled on yt. I don't know... I was really tired.

Oh yeah, before I started helping mum I also checked my train to Łódź, but ugh... that was a disaster. But, fortunately, Z. said she has some plan and she is going to talk about it later at some point.

Second course and after it mum and I watched I, Don Giovanni. Mum really liked the movie in general and Lorenzo's relationship with Mozart. That's a win for me<3

I've written down all the ideas I have for His Daughter story.

In the meantime rping with W. - N. and J. having a little argument and then F. taking M. from a meet up.

Witcher time!

After I finished playing I just chilled with Z., talking about our rp again. We came to some interesting and bold conclusions about the relationship between Lorenzo and Antonio.

And then I went to sleep.

As you can see my notes are much shorter now. I don't have time and energy to write. Whatever. I just need a summary.

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